Focus::Daily News


 Finally, Italian cinema might be enjoying a resurgence fit for grown-ups. First came the Tavianis' Caesar Must Dieand Matteo Garrone's Reality and now, punching out of the Walter Reade's annual Italian survey this week, Marco Tullio Giordana's Piazza Fontana, a darkling slice of history originally titled Story of a Massacre.  

Two days after arriving in Brazil, Italy is still struggling to get over jet lag.After watching the Azzurri give up a two-goal lead in a 2-2 draw with Haiti in a Confederations Cup warmup match Tuesday, Italy coach Cesare Prandelli decided to cancel Wednesday morning's training session and let the players head to the beach.

 Italy’s Five Star Movement, scourge of the ruling elite in Rome and Brussels, is showing signs of fragmentation and a loss of popularity just three months after rocking the establishment and taking a quarter of the vote in national elections. 

 “That’s very strange,” Tim Parks, the polymath writer, said recently, waiting at the top of an escalator at the Porta Garibaldi train station in Milan. “Your train didn’t even appear on the board.” 

 Roman Polanski’s La Vénus à la fourrure (Venus in Fur), which earned accolades in competition in Cannes this year, will open next month’s Ischia Global Film & Music Fest, where Polanski will be given -- in absentia -- the Ischia Legend Award, the festival's highest honor, organizers announced Tuesday. 

 The center-left Democratic Party was leading in mayoral elections across Italy on Monday—a strong showing that could bode well for the stability of the national government.The elections mark the first time Italians have gone to the polls since an inconclusive national vote in February, which led to the creation six weeks ago of an uneasy "grand coalition" of left and right parties, led by Prime Minister Enrico Letta. 

 Mario Balotelli and Stephan El Shaarawy, both sons of immigrants, are the new faces of Italy.And at the Confederations Cup in Brazil, the AC Milan forwards will be leading the attack.With a combined age of 42, the 22-year-old Balotelli and the 20-year-old El Shaarawy also form the youngest forward tandem of any elite national team. 

There's something about Italy's Amalfi Coast that makes people put up with horrible traffic, high prices, and having to climb up and down every time you want to get somewhere. And yet, it's been attracting holiday-goers for centuries.

Women's prison workshops across Italy are collaborating under a new commercial fashion brand they hope will help encourage more detainees to learn the trade and give them hope for a future on the outside.

Italy's battered center-left won the election for mayor of Rome on Monday and appeared set to do well in other cities, giving a lift to Prime Minister Enrico Letta as he strives to control an uneasy coalition with traditional rivals on the right.
