Focus::Daily News


Italy almost irresistibly tempts foreign commentators to cliché. It’s far too easy to wander off into rhapsodies over the country’s stunning beauty, grand sense of history, and sensual pleasures. Or, ignoring the bella figura, one can parse Italian political and economic shortcomings in a tone heavy on statistics and with a hint of scolding, the way a susceptible high-school teacher might speak of a seductive student.

Compact and easy to navigate, Verona remains one of Italy’s most underrated cities despite its picturesque center of cobblestone streets lined with medieval pink-hued buildings, well-preserved Roman sites and dozens of churches

Former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi called for the reconstruction of the Abruzzo region, which was hit by a devastating earthquake in April 2009, asked for the rebuilding to be carried out seriously.

Foreign tourists spent some 32 billion euros in Italy in 2012, the country's national tourism agency Enit said on Friday.

One of the oldest doctor's kit, believed to be more than 2,000 years old, will be on display in Florence starting next week.

 Tonight will see Armani take over Rome's Plazzo della Civiltà Italiana (the Palace of Italian Civilization) for 'One Night Only'; a celebration of Giorgio Armani's pride at being Italian. 

The Venetian and The Palazzo officially opened Carnevale, the summer-long event celebrating the festivals of Italy.On Saturday, Chef Mario Batali arrived on the red carpet to kick off Carnevale wearing a special Carnevale-inspired pair of his signature orange Crocs. 

 Minacciolo, the Italian interiors company, says its Mina kitchen is the ultimate accessory, but really it is an island unto itself — with cooktop, oven, dual dishwashing drawers, illuminated storage and refrigeration in a customizable package. 

 The Identification and Expulsion Center, a detention complex on the outskirts of Rome where illegal immigrants can be held for months before deportation, is not a prison. But the difference seems mostly a question of semantics. 

The 2013 edition of the Italian wine sommeliers' guide Bibenda awarded the annual 'Oscar' to Sicilian producer Tasca d'Almerita's 2010 Chardonnay in the white category and Tuscany's Tenuta San Guido's 2009 Bolgheri Sassicaia as the top red, the sommeliers' association AIS said on Tuesday.

