Focus::Daily News


When Cécile Kyenge accepted the post of minister of integration in Prime Minister Enrico Letta’s center-left government, she knew that as Italy’s first black national official she would be breaking new ground. What she may not have expected was the stream of racial slurs that have accompanied her first eight weeks in office. 

 He has been called the Italian Schindler, credited with helping to save 5,000 Jews during the Holocaust. Giovanni Palatucci, a wartime police official, has been honored in Israel, in New York and in Italy, where squares and promenades have been named in his honor, and in the Vatican, where Pope John Paul II declared him a martyr, a step toward potential sainthood. 

A magnitude 5.2 earthquake was felt across central and northern Italy on Friday, causing some minor damage in rural areas but there were no immediate reports of injuries.  

 The 60-year-old insists the Azzurri possess plenty of quality in their armoury and cannot be underestimated, as he reflects on the "extraordinary" feat of taking on his home nation. 

 James Gandolfini, the Emmy Award-winning actor who shot to fame on the HBO drama “The Sopranos” as Tony Soprano, a tough-talking, hard-living crime boss with a stolid exterior but a rich interior life, died on Wednesday. He was 51. 

 The death of James Gandolfini, best known for his role as an anxiety-ridden mob boss on HBO's "The Sopranos," on Wednesday affected many in Hollywood and beyond. Friends and colleagues tweeted and made statements after hearing news of the actor's death. 

 A man was arraigned on indictment for murder on Monday by a California grand jury for throwing his ex-wife over the side of a cruise ship, according to the Orange County District Attorney.The indictment against Lonnie Loren Kocontes, 55, includes one felony count of murder for financial gain. 

 If you want beach proximity in southern Italy, hotel prices tend to rocket. Fortunately, we've got the inside track, bringing you sea views for less in Campania, Basilicata, Calabria and Puglia 

 Fashion designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana were given a suspended jail sentence of one year and 8 months Wednesday after being found guilty of hiding $1.3 billion in income from tax authorities.The men were convicted by a court in Milan but given a suspended sentence, which means they will avoid prison as long as they commit no other crimes for five years. 

  Italy's first black Cabinet minister is facing Internet death threats before a visit to a region known for its anti-immigrant political base.Cecile Kyenge, a Congolese-born doctor who has lived in Italy since 1983, has been the target of racist diatribes ever since she was named integration minister in April.
