Focus::Daily News


The Italian Chamber unanimously approved a measure to combat violence against women on Tuesday, with 521 votes in favor.The measure, which now goes to the senate, includes a provision asking the Italian government to ''restore and implement the fund supporting the national action plan against violence against women in every form and expression''. 

 When the Music Box Theatre presented its 70-millimeter series a few months ago, I was most impressed with those movies that used the large-scale format for metaphysical reasons. "The high-resolution film renders things with such specificity that even minute details appear to have been prearranged," I wrote,  going on to say that The Master,2001, and Playtime took advantage of this quality to "ponder whether everything may be part of some mysterious cosmic order." 

 Healthy Italian foods will be on the menu as part of a new promotion by the Italian government in the United States later this year."Authentically Eatalian" is an initiative of the ministry of economic development which will be focused on healthy Italian foods and cooking. 

 Italy's supreme Court of Cassation on Tuesday rejected a petition from Silvio Berlusconi's lawyers to recuse one of three Milan judges who handed the ex-premier a one-year prison term for involvement in the publication of an illegally obtained wiretap. 

 Defenders Angelo Ogbonna and Andrea Ranocchia were among six players left out of Italy's final 23-man squad for the Confederations Cup late Monday. Also cut were goalkeeper Michael Agazzi, midfielders Giacomo Bonaventura and Andrea Poli and forward Marco Sau. 

 France considers itself the world center of wine. But there may be some red faces in Burgundy today—because a study provides more evidence that the techniques for turning grapes into a glass of wine may have come over from what today is Italy. The research is in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  

Small and medium-sized businesses, the backbone of Italy's economy, are struggling to get funding from the country's debt-laden banks, forcing many out of business and worsening the country's economic crisis.


 Italy’s Prime Minister Enrico Letta has apologized to unemployed Italian young people who must leave the debt-stricken country to find jobs, after the nation’s unemployment rate reached its highest level in at least 36 years. 

 Three people were being treated Saturday for a new respiratory virus that is alarming global health officials, in the first cases in Italy, says the country's health ministry. A 45-year-old man who had recently returned from a 40-day visit to Jordan was hospitalized in Tuscany with a high fever, cough and respiratory problems, says the ministry. Tuscan regional officials say that a young child who is related to the man and a work colleague also have the virus, the ministry said.

 Italian holidays can be affordable and an adventure: search out farmhouses in hilltop villages in Liguria and on the Amalfi Coast, plus self-catering or camping options in Pescara and Venice. 
