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Ms. Rame often collaborated with her husband, Nobel Prize playwright Dario Fo, and it was difficult to tease out who had written what. 
Over the years, some observers, aware of Ms. Rame’s deep impress on Mr. Fo’s work, suggested that the Nobel should have been awarded to them jointly. “Perhaps it should have been given to the two of them,” Mr. Farrell said on Wednesday. “She used to joke about the fact that Dario was a monument and that she was the pedestal under the monument. Which was an awkward situation, she would say.”


 One word, spectacular. The Boxer at Rest, on loan from the National Museum of Rome, will be unveiled in the United States for the first time at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York this June 1 and remain on exhibit through July 15, 2013 as part of the Year of Italian Culture in the United States.  

A Milan prosecutor on Friday requested three people who allegedly provided prostitutes for parties at the home of ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi be sent to jail for seven years. The three are retired TV anchorman Emilio Fede, bankrupt ex-talent scout Lele Mora and Nicole Minetti, a former Lombardy regional councillor and Berlusconi's former dental hygienist. 

 The Italian cabinet launched a bill on Friday abolishing public funding for political parties.The elimination will be ''gradual'', over a period of three years. The first year, funds will be reduced to 60%, the second year 50% and 40% the third year before it is subsequently abolished altogether. Premier Enrico Letta, who last month became premier of an unprecedented left-right coalition after two months of post-election gridlock, vowed to ''revolutionize'' party funding after only a few days in office. Guidelines to the reform include ''the definition of strict procedures regarding transparency statutes and budgets of the parties'', ''implementing tax breaks for people who donate to parties,'' and parameters on lobbying, said a statement. 

 The much-lauded Mediterranean diet seems a world away from mass-produced fast food, and so eyebrows were naturally raised when McDonald’s signed a deal with one of Italy’s oldest pasta manufacturers.

Italy heads into a friendly against San Marino with hopes of building some momentum ahead of a key stretch of matches next month. The Azzurri face the Czech Republic in a key World Cup qualifier and then will take part in the Confederations Cup.

 An Italian expert in Hebrew manuscripts said this week he has discovered the oldest known complete Torah scroll, a sheepskin document dating from 1155-1225. It was right under his nose, in the University of Bologna library, where it had been mistakenly cataloged a century ago as dating from the 17th century. 

 Could Facebook be held liable for an Italian teen’s suicide? If an Italian prosecutor has his way, the social networking giant could face criminal manslaughter charges. Carolina Picchio was a 14-year-old girl from Novara, Italy, near Milan, with an enviably pretty face and a bright future. Then, late on the night of January 4, she jumped out of her bedroom window from her family’s fourth-floor apartment. She died instantly when she landed headfirst on the pavement below. Before she jumped, she updated her status on Facebook with a chilling suicide note: “Forgive me if I’m not strong. I cannot take it any longer.”  

 Buddy Valastro, one of America’s top pastry chefs, is opening an Italian-American restaurant at the Palazzo this fall. The handsome star of TLC’s top-rated “Cake Boss” hails from Puglia, Italy, and will move into the former space of First Food & Bar that was occupied by chef Sammy DeMarco until two months ago.


 Paolo Sorrentino’s La grande bellezza (The Great Beauty), a biting commentary about contemporary Rome that premiered in competition in Cannes, is already starting to rack up some prizes. 
