Focus::Daily News


 Europe's policing agency said an analysis of the financial activities of the Italian mafia's four groupings found wind farms to be the most popular target for dirty money within the renewable energy sector, itself a criminal favourite. 

 Italy and France both rejected on Thursday the requests for asylum from fugitive US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden. Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said Thursday that Italy could not accept an asylum request from the former US intelligence analyst because there were no legal or political conditions to do so.

 The Italian Football Federation has announced they will play Lionel Messi’s Argentina in a friendly to honor the soccer-loving Argentinian Pope Francis. 

 In the great open-air theater that is Rome, the characters talk with their hands as much as their mouths. While talking animatedly on their cellphones or smoking cigarettes or even while downshifting their tiny cars through rush-hour traffic, they gesticulate with enviably elegant coordination. 

Pirelli has taken the offensive over the furore caused by a series of blowouts at last weekend's British Grand Prix, insisting its tyres are safe and saying the Formula One teams contributed to the problem by not using them correctly.  

 It may be almost 800 years old but the power of Siena's famed Palio bare-back horse race to gee up virulent local fans and thrill fascinated foreign visitors is undimmed by age, as it proved again this week. 

 The Army’s newest installation is open for business.Caserma Del Din, the new home of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, celebrated a grand opening Tuesday with an array of American and Italian dignitaries in attendance. 

 Two top managers of the scandal-plagued Vatican bank resigned on Monday after the arrest of a high-ranking cleric with close ties to the financial institution. 

 Arguably one of the greatest actors of our time died on last Thursday. James Gandolfini was an acquaintance of mine. Larger than life, he created characters that were real and wasn't afraid to show himself -- warts and all. I write now as someone who has had an Italian last name my whole life. I grew up in the small town of Flint, Michigan where there were almost no other people of italian descent. When I arrived in NYC in 1979, it was very accepted in the media and in the art community to be Italian American. 

 Reports that the U.S. government regularly spies on European and Italian diplomats have yet to be proved but if true would damage bilateral ties, Italian Defense Minister Mario Mauro said Monday. 
