Focus::Daily News


Maria Grazia Fera was looking forward to getting back to work after her first child was born. But three months into her maternity leave, her temporary contract as a teacher for the disabled expired and suddenly, her job was gone. 

Italian prosecutors asked the country’s highest criminal court on Tuesday to reinstate the murder convictions of American Amanda Knox and her former boyfriend in the brutal slaying of a British student.


Underwater pumping operations began Sunday to remove some of the 500,000 gallons of fuel aboard the Costa Concordia, officials said, one month after the cruise ship ran aground off Tuscany. 

 Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti’s claim that Italy's economy is stronger than Greece is supported by Italian economists and analysts, who argue that broad popular support for much-needed austerity in Italy will help it navigate the euro zone debt crisis. 

German bunds fell, underperforming most of their euro-area peers, after Greek lawmakers approved spending cuts demanded by European finance chiefs, reducing investor appetite for the safest assets. Italian 10-year bonds advanced for the fifth time in six days and Portuguese yields reached an 11-week low as Greece’s vote curbed the risk of contagion to the region’s most-indebted nations. 


Il presidente del Consiglio e' entrato alle 14 e 30 ora locale (le 20 e 30 italiane) nella sede del New York Stock Exchange, la sede della borsa di New York a Wall Street.
Ad aspettare il premier c'erano numerosi operatori di borsa per ascoltarlo illustrare le misure prese ultimamente dall'Italia per stabilizzare il proprio sistema finanziario. Il premier è accompagnato dal ministro degli Affari esteri, Giulio Terzi.

«C’è molto interesse per l’Italia e per il mercato italiano una volta che l’economia si consoliderà nel suo miglioramento, ma già oggi» ha dichiarato il presidente del Consiglio Mario Monti al termine della sua
visita nella sede di Bloomberg dove ha incontrato il gotha finanziario ed economico americano  fra cui anche George Soros.

Rome’s snow plough blades languish under a blanket of white. The tools have been in the same place for several years and were certainly there on Friday afternoon and evening. That was when residents were trapped in tailbacks on the city’s beltway or the many other roads paralysed by snow and the evident failure of the emergency plan.

In the wake of earlier cuts and budgets, the era of Monti government-inspired ministerial austerity has officially begun. The first targets are the Prime Minister’s Office and the ministry of the economy, both of which are under the premier’s direct control. Civil servants will no longer be allowed to accept gifts worth more than €150 while staff at Palazzo Chigi and the treasury ministry will have to forgo entertainment expenses.

Premier Mario Monti said there is great interest in Italy and the Italian market in the US.
