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US President Barack Obama praised Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti on Thursday, saying he was boosting confidence across Europe and world markets with his stewardship of his country. "I personally have great confidence in the prime minister's leadership and his ability to navigate Italy through this difficult time... and then to put it on a footing so it can grow and prosper in the long term," Obama said after the two men held Oval Office talks. 

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has slashed pensions, begun a broad economic restructuring and agreed to a European treaty that tightens fiscal controls — all in the name of proving his country is serious about controlling debt. As he arrives for his first official visit with President Obama on Thursday, he’s begun pushing back. 

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti is confident that the reforms of the last few months in his country will help soften the blow in the event of an unruly default by eurozone partner Greece. Monti said he hoped Greece - struggling to reach agreement on a new bailout package - would not default. 

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, by combining budget cuts with deregulation, has won praise from French President Nicolas Sarkozy for “spectacular progress” in fighting the debt crisis while racing to stay ahead of domestic critics. Monti meets with U.S. President Barack Obama today at the start of a two-day visit to New York and Washington to persuade investors that Italy can tame its $2.5 trillion debt. 

An entire herd of 40 deer were spotted prancing down a snow-covered street in the 800-inhabitant town of Alfedena near L'Aquila in Abruzzo Wednesday morning around 8am.

A Milan judge has dropped a case filed by veteran TV anchor Emilio Fede accusing two young women of defamation for saying he took them to an alleged sex party at ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi's Milan villa.

The Huffington Post's guide to international marriages will tell you everything you need to know to get legally married in Italy. Read on to ensure all of your paperwork is in order before booking your ticket.

Monti meets with U.S. President Barack Obama today at the start of a two-day visit to New York and Washington to persuade investors that Italy can tame its $2.5 trillion debt. That’s bigger than that of Spain, Portugal, Greece and Ireland combined and about four times larger than Europe’s rescue fund. His success may be vital to reducing Italian borrowing costs and preventing the euro region from breaking up.

An interview to President Obama on the day of the Italian PM Monti visit to the White House: "Europe has the economic and financial capacity to overcome this crisis".

What a difference a new face makes.

For three years, President Obama held Silvio Berlusconi at arm’s length, treating Italy’s flamboyant prime minister— he of the bunga bunga parties and the well-parsed sexual exploits— with a somewhat frozen correctness. While President Nicolas Sarkozy of France got cozy dinners with the Obamas at the White House and Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany got a full state visit including a black-tie extravaganza at the White House, Mr. Berlusconi got a lone brisk visit to the Oval Office.
