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Green, purple and gold mingled with green, white and red Sunday, as the Italian Cultural and Community Center in the Montrose area celebrated its own unique version of Mardi Gras with a “Festa di Carnevale per Bambini,” or youngsters’ Carnevale party.

Rome is not the first city that comes to mind when thinking of Carnival and Italy. It has never been even an after-thought to the popularity of Venice's legendary pre-Lent party season. Perhaps this is why I only have the vaguest memory of an epic Tuesday evening in early 2000s, a martedì grasso during which my cousins and I dressed as courtesans to a gang of 1970s Roman papponi. Masks? Gowns? Balls? No, we were more concerned with the all-night dance party.

Astoria, New YorkMario Monti, il nuovo premier d'Italia sara' al Consolato di New York sito a Park Avenue. L'evento organizzato dall'Ambasciata Italiana iniziera' alle 18,30 ore di New York domani 10 Febbraio 2012.

Mario Monti, durante la sua missione negli Stati Uniti d'America, dopo essere stato ricevuto alla Casa Bianca dal presidente americano Barack Obama, ha incontrato presso il Consolato Generale d'Italia di New York la comunità italiana ed italo-americana.

Astoria, New YorkMario Monti, il nuovo premier d'Italia sara' al Consolato di New York sito a Park Avenue. L'evento organizzato dall'Ambasciata Italiana iniziera' alle 18,30 ore di New York domani 10 Febbraio 2012.

The third warning burst was aimed “into the sea across the bows of the fishing boat, which was not hit and in fact changed direction and turned back”. I

 Premier Mario Monti reassured Italians on Monday that there would be no need for another austerity budget.

reporting from Capri, Italy— "Don't go there," a well-traveled friend said when I mentioned my plans to visit Capri, a sunny island off southern Italy. Why? "You're not going to want to come home," he said.

In a country that for almost a decade was led by a man who publicly referred to his passion for female conquests, Italy is now relying on three women to help overcome the European debt crisis.
