Focus::Daily News


Renato Dulbecco, who shared the 1975 Nobel Prize in medicine for his seminal research on the interaction between tumors and cells, has died in California. He was 97.

 An 82-year-old Italian woman died after she contracted Legionnaires' disease, a severe, pneumonia-like illness, from the water in her dentist's office, according to a case report published in the journal The Lancet. 

Italian police said on Friday they had seized about $6 trillion of fake U.S. Treasury bonds in Switzerland, and issued arrest warrants for eight people accused of international fraud and other financial crimes. 

 Italy needs to boost services to support working mothers after the European debt crisis led the government to pass “tough” reforms of the country’s pension system that will force women to work longer, Labor and Equal Opportunities Minister Elsa Fornero said today. 

It is a long time since Washington said anything nice about Europe's handling of its debt crisis. Publicly – and even more so in private – US officials have been withering about efforts to stare down the bond markets, save the euro and avert a new slump in the west. 

 Is it crazy to fall for a restaurant because of a handful of chickpeas? Tumbling around with pickled currants under crunchy stalks of grilled octopus leg, these chickpeas were smaller and sweeter than usual, less starchy and grainy. Tasting one was like encountering a goldfinch if the only birds you’d ever seen were pigeons. 

 Italy will reduce its planned order of Lockheed Martin Corp. F-35 fighter jets and trim the size of the military as part of defense-spending cuts, Defense Minister Giampaolo Di Paola said. 

 Italian government debt rose 4 percent in 2011 to 1.897 trillion euros ($2.5 trillion) on funding for European bailouts and a weaker euro that increased the cost of servicing foreign-denominated debt, the Bank of Italy said in a report today.


Italian bonds advanced for a second day as the nation’s borrowing costs fell at a sale of 6 billion euros ($7.9 billion) of debt.

Premier Mario Monti scrapped Rome's bid for the 2020 Olympics on Tuesday, saying the Italian government can't supply the required financial backing at a time of economic crisis.

Monti announced after a Cabinet meeting that it would be an irresponsible use of taxpayer money to fund the Olympic project with a guarantee that the government would cover any deficit.

