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"The Godfather" actually succeed in defining what it means to be American, Italian or not. To paraphrase the film's own mantra: "it's personal, not business." The Corleones fight over the very issues that the entire American population fights over: money, power, control, lust and social status. The only 21st century American desire missing from this list is the ever-increasing shrill demand for fame, but, oh, how Don Corleone would have understood the cynical amoral manipulations of the bankers behind the country's 21st century financial crisis. 

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti signaled the worst may be over for the euro region’s most distressed bonds and said he expects leaders to strike a deal on a firewall for the bloc over the next month.

(AGI) Rome - Prime Minister Mario Monti has reported that in 2011, 12 billion euro of evaded tax was recovered and if everyone paid taxation would be lower, although more can and must be done. "We must continue with renewed strength, because if everyone paid what they owe, taxation could be lower for everyone.

NAIROBI, Kenya — A crippled Italian cruise ship being towed in the Indian Ocean with more than 1,000 people aboard and no air conditioning now won’t reach land in the Seychelles until Thursday, officials said.

The U.S. is going up against a much-improved Italy team, but they still need to have a positive performance in Genoa.

(Reuters) - Italy paid the least since last August to place all of a planned offer of 10-year bonds on Tuesday, firm evidence of an easing of the pressure on the euro zone's third largest economy thanks largely to a flood of European Central Bank money into banks.

New York, 28 feb. (TMNews) - Il viaggio negli Stati Uniti è stato per il ministro del lavoro e delle politiche sociali Elsa Fornero "un arricchimento personale e spero anche un po' un successo per l'Italia sulla questione dei diritti umani".

Italy is doing a perfect job in fighting Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and will push for a UN General Assembly Resolution condemning the act this year, Italy’s Labour and Welfare Minister Elsa Fornero has said.

Fiat SpA may shut two of its five domestic car factories if it can’t produce competitively in Italy and export vehicles to the U.S.

"La prima visita del presidente Monti negli Stati Uniti si è conclusa venerdì sera a Park Avenue, dove al Consolato Generale d’Italia il premier ha incontrato gli esponenti delle comunità italiana ed italo-americana. Lo accompagnavano il ministro degli Esteri Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, già ambasciatore d’Italia presso gli Stati Uniti prima della nomina ministeriale, e l’ambasciatore Claudio Bisogniero, alla sua prima apparizione ufficiale presso la comunità".
