Focus::Daily News


Residents of the Southern Brooklyn neighborhood say it's not the rowdy stomping ground for young Italian Americans portrayed in the upcoming Oxygen Network reality show "Brooklyn 11223."

Thanks to two Marios, Italy's image as the fun-loving land of the bunga bunga party but unreliable partner in Europe is under reconstruction -- sparking cultural shifts at home.

Parents in Bologna, Italy have withdrawn their children from the Castello di Serravalle nursery school after learning that the school's teacher, Michela Roth, posed in minimal attire for, among other things, a Harley Davidson calendar. I say "parents," by which I mean mothers, since I doubt there were many Italian fathers itching to yank their kids out of school over a silly little thing like what Ms. Roth does in her spare time.

At the end of March, Amanda Knox's parents will go on trial in Italy. Yes, you are reading that correctly - her parents.

Tax police in Naples have arrested 47 people – including 16 judges – and seized assets said to be worth over €1bn in an anti-mafia operation allegedly exposing the growing penetration by organised crime of big business and the Italian state.

The Italian government is seeking to revise labor laws to make it easier for companies to fire workers during economic downturns or for disciplinary reasons, Labor Minister Elsa Fornero told unions and employers at talks today, according to a union official.

Police investigating an alleged plot to blow up an Italian synagouge say the plans had taken shape in "super secret" Facebook groups.

Some of you may consider this an offer you can refuse, but others will want to note an event of enduring cultural import that took place 40 years ago Thursday. " The Godfather" a film as firmly rooted in New York as Manhattan schist, opened that day in five theaters around the city.

A reunion between Amanda knox and her former boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, the man with whom she spent four years in an Italian prison on murder charges, could happen as early as this week.

Italian wines are really hot today. Italy became the world's biggest wine producing country in 2010, surpassing longtime world leader France. Meanwhile, Italian wine imports to important markets like the U.S., Britain and China have risen dramatically in the last several years.
