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Le Marche, one of the most intriguing regions of Italy, chose different audiences and different settings to spotlight its excellences in New York City, combining art, food and wine.
In this video a full immersion of Marchigiani products at Eataly New York.

“Made in Italy” products continue to be a leader in the fashion world. The Italian designers and manufacturers constantly re-invent themselves and set new standards in design and innovation. They have gained respect and appreciation worldwide. The “made in Italy” label is paired with creativity, innovation, craftsmanship, tradition and quality.

In occasione della celebrazione dei 150 anni dell’unità d’Italia, l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York presenta una mostra unica nel suo genere. “150 Years of Italian Genius” il titolo dell’esposizione che verrà inaugurata domani, 15 dicembre, e che fino al 27 gennaio 2012 sarà vetrina della creatività e del genio di scienziati e ricercatori italiani in varie discipline.

Americans have always been fascinated by Italians. Throughout history, Italians have made headlines in the United States from the historic trials of Sacco and Vanzetti to the the musical legacies of Caruso, Pavarotti, Verdi and Vivaldi to the timeless masterpieces of Michaelangelo, da Vinci, Raffaello and Botticelli to the cinematic legends like Fellini, De Sica, Loren, Magnani and Mastroianni to the science of Galilei to the impact of the Vatican on our own Roman Catholic churches to the controversy that Christopher Columbus still stirs up to this day.

Sixty leading Italian athletes are appealing to Premier Mario Monti to support Rome’s bid to host the 2020 Olympics as a deadline nears for the government to give its backing.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has offered up a little refresher (and perhaps slightly revisionist) course in economic history. Ina wide-ranging interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Monti — a longtime economics professor — hailed the Germans for being the founders of Europe’s post-World War II market economy.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, who is putting his country through austerity measures to escape Europe's debt crisis, proposed tougher European rules aimed at prying open member states' national industries, as a way to encourage economic growth and competition in the euro zone.

Prescient or foolhardy? Investors who took a punt on Italian government bonds late last year are already sitting on handsome profits, leaving those who missed out asking whether Italy under Mario Monti’s technocratic government has truly turned a corner.

Message removed after dancer is swamped by protests. A flood of words was unleashed by Roberto Bolle’s 140-character tweet on a relatively uncontroversial topic. But the comment on the homeless from one of the world’s top ballet dancers was swiftly retweeted round the world, particularly given the current rigid weather. “Homeless sleeping rough under the portico of the Teatro San Carlo, one of Naples’ jewels, are emblematic of the city’s decline.”

All of society can be helped by a culture that prevents and combats child abuse, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi told attendees at the international symposium Healing and Renewal in Rome on Wednesday.
