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  • The Point of participating in one of the many upcoming events scheduled in New York City. Remembrance Day is not for the victims; they can’t forget. And they certainly don’t need a special anniversary to do so. As the son of an Auschwitz survivor arrested in Florence, I don’t need a special date either.
  • Facts & Stories
    Letizia Airos(January 20, 2014)
    Interview with Diana Bracco, Chief Executive Officer of BraccoPresident of the Universal Expo set to take place in Milan in 2015. “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.” With this slogan the grand world exhibition to be hosted in Milan will focus on tradition, creativity and innovationin the business of food
  • Facts & Stories
    Tiziana Rinaldi Castro(January 07, 2014)
    Continuing our conversation with Maestro Mauro Pagani, with whom I met over the course of the summer in the city to talk about music, politics, culture, and his New York experience. One of the topics we covered during a long walk along the Hudson River was Southern Italian Music and its influence on Italian music at large “Modernity’s problem is communication, especially in this time of cultural globaliza-tion. And good communication depends upon cross-cultural exchange.”
  • Facts & Stories
    Angela Manzolillo(December 18, 2013)
    The region of Campania, Italy, organized "La Cucina della Nonna", an event where local social clubs of the region came together and re-introduced typical dishes from their city of origin, made the way that their grandmother did
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(December 01, 2013)
    The now splintered conservative parties represented by Silvio Berlusconi and his former alter ego Angelino Alfano slip at least momentarily into the background this week as the Partito Democratico (PD) finally takes center-stage. Opening December 8, the PD national convention will sanction the election of a new general secretary expected to represent a crucial generational shift away from the old-style politicians of the past. Three candidates are in the running in primaries throughout the country.
  • In occasion of the International Day for the elimination of violence against women, Lella Golfo presented at The Italian Cultural Institute of New York “Ad Alta Quota,” the book in which she talks about her battles to support women in affirming themselves at the workplace.
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(November 17, 2013)
    Stormy seas lie ahead but for the moment Premier Enrico Letta is riding on the crest of a wave. With the now definitive splintering of former Premier Silvio Berlusconi's highly personalized political party, his formally reborn Forza Italia passes into the minority in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Thanks to Alfano's defection from Berlusconi, Letta hopes to remain in office until at least 2015. It is a victory for stability and, with luck, will postpone new national general elections even as economic problems continue to plague the country.
