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  • Facts & Stories
    Robyn Mass(July 05, 2013)
    In a recent collection of essays a group of scholars explore the Italian side of American politics. Starting from Andrew Cuomo’s election in New York
  • Facts & Stories
    Giulia Madron(June 26, 2013)
    In San Francisco and the Bay Area for the 2013 Year of Italian Culture in the US, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti presents the culture, beauty and innovation of ‘Made in Italy’ design: exhibitions, debate and comparison between the cutting edge models of Italian production and the technology of Silicon Valley, towards a new economy of beauty. According to Piero Bassetti, Chairman of the Foundation : “It is during this revolution, in which Italy and United States play both a key role, and both with their own characteristics, that we can go towards a change and find new ways to build the future of humanity”.
  • Confederation Cup 2013: Italy is in the semi-finals and on Thursday is going to face Spain again. The memories of the sad night of Euro 2012 when Italy lost 4-0 to Spain are still vivid. Italy is a very talented team and we wish it would win this time. As Balottelli twitted "Go Azzurri!Go Italy!Come on Italy."
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(June 21, 2013)
    For the past two months of the new government Dr. Cécile Kyenge has held down one of the toughest jobs in Italy. As Minister for Integration she must deal with such contentious issues as citizenship for children born in Italy of immigrant parents. Born in Congo, she came to Italy 30 years ago to study opthamology before entering politics in North Italy. For her pains, she has received death threats and literally obscene invectives. But summer weather is bringing new hordes of clandestine immigrants to the southern isle of Lampedusa, and aggravating an already difficult situation.
  • June 10, was Italian-American Day in Albany. Every year the New York Conference of Italian American Legislators holds an annual conference. And not many people are aware of the number of Italian-American legislators in New York State. This election cycle there are 49
  • The Italian Trade Commission of New York and UNAPROL, a consortium of olive growers established in 1966, have enlisted the American public to Find the Fake. Four olive oils were presented to the guests’ discerning noses and palates. One of them was a NOT 100% Italian, and their task was to identify it.
  • Recently the Economist summed up the European economic situation, including Italy's, as, "Fifty Shades of Gray without the Sex." So now what? This was the leitmotif of the annual workshop of the 30-year-old Council for the United States and Italy, chaired by Council president and Fiat chief Sergio Marchionne. Not surprisingly, the most eagerly awaited speaker was economist Fabrizio Saccomani, Minister for the Economy and Finance. To this crucial role Saccomini brings broad international experience beginning with his post-grad years at Princeton University. As Marchionne put it, "Just how is Italy to get its economy back on track? This is the challenge."
  • Rosa Giancola, worker in a factory of Latina, today counselor in the Lazio Region, leader of the longest women's occupation in Italy and Margaret Dogliani, owner of biscuit factory in Carrara, which embodies the spirit of healthy, enlightened and successful entrepreneur, seek dialogue, pushing well beyond the simple logic of profit. The documentary is a journey into the harsh reality of the world of work in the jungle of the contracts worthless, looking for examples and hopes in the other face of the crisis, workers between that which is not give up, one of courage and hope for a reality and different as possible. i-Italy has asked the director Massimo Ferrari and Rosa Ginacola to release the interventions-interviews on the sidelines of the prestigious award, which they have kindly allowed...
