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  • Among the several promotional events on Torino that have taken place in New York during the month of December, the Italian Trade Commission hosted a seminar called "Why Invest in Torino Piemonte, the intelligent location for your business." International guests have spoken about the importance of the capital of Piemonte, its contribution to the world's economy and the possibilities for foreign investors
  • With a careful look, the boot of Italy actually resembles a Christmas stocking. It's appropriate, then, that we take a peek inside to see what Santa will tuck inside it for Italians to find on Christmas morning.
  • 2013 to be the Year of Italian Culture in the United States, during which America will discover Italy and all its values: culture, arts, sciences, and advanced technologies. The aim of this yearlong journey is to communicate and promote Italy, and to create new, and reinforce the already longstanding bonds uniting Italy and the United States, by engaging Americans in numerous cultural activities taking place in major American cities throughout the year.
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(December 09, 2012)
    Italy's election campaign has begun with a jolt. No sooner did Silvio Berlusconi throw his hat into the ring or, as he put it, entered the playing field ("sceso in campo") for the sixth time in twenty years, than Premier Mario Monti bowed out.
  • Facts & Stories
    (December 05, 2012)
    At the starting line is the i-Italy|NY network, a magazine and television show dedicated to Italian New York. Presented last Friday at the Consulate General of Italy in New York, i-Italy|NY is a dual publishing initiative inspired by Italy and dedicated to the U.S. marketplace, specifically New York City. i-Italy | NY includes a monthly magazine and a weekly television program about everything Itali an in New York.
  • At the primaries of the Democratic Party (PD), Pier Luigi Bersani has triumphed, walking away with 63.45% of the votes over his younger rival Matteo Renzi who won only 36.48%. What are the future possible scenarios for the Italian politic?
  • The Italian-Swiss Balzan Foundation Hosts Interdisciplinary Prize Ceremony At Quirinale. The Balzan prize in the sciences and the humanities is the Italian-Swiss answer to the Nobel Prize. Like the Nobel, it recognizes supreme achievements in a host of different sectors. The nature of the fields for the 2012 prizes was that each winner worked in a interdisciplinary way, much the opposite of the push to specialization or better, marrying specializations in a number of fields.
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(November 26, 2012)
    Over 3.1 million turned out to vote, with many waiting hours in line. Some of the 9,232 improvised polling stations, all staffed by volunteers, remained open into the late evening to allow as many as possible to vote. It was, in the end, a vote for democracy itself, and not only PD party leaders and activists rejoiced at this.
  • He is only 22, yet he is on the cover of one of the most prestigious magazines in the world. Mario Balotelli, also known as Super Mario, the Manchester City striker, is an irresistible character who had a lot of Italian friends growing up, when he wasn't famous, but once his soccer career took off racism started.
