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  • Facts & Stories
    Cristina Esmiol(February 24, 2015)
    Sam Mendez, director of the 24th James Bond movie, Spectre, is currently in Rome for a five week shoot. Italian actress, Monica Bellucci, will star alongside Daniel Craig as the oldest ever Bond girl.
  • The day after it was damaged by drunken Dutch soccer hooligans the Bernini fountain called La Barcaccia – the big boat -- was, like the surrounding Piazza di Spagna itself, spotlessly clean, and a silent, meditative crowd stood behind the new barriers surrounding the fountain, watching the beginning of a restoration. The damaged fountain raises questions about how best to protect Italy’s wealth of monuments. There is no easy answer.
  • The day after it was damaged by drunken Dutch soccer hooligans the Bernini fountain called La Barcaccia – the big boat -- was, like the surrounding Piazza di Spagna itself, spotlessly clean, and a silent, meditative crowd stood behind the new barriers surrounding the fountain, watching the beginning of a restoration. The damaged fountain raises questions about how best to protect Italy’s wealth of monuments. There is no easy answer.
  • Just in time for the celebration of Rome’s birthday, April 21, the Temple of Peace (also known as the Forum of Peace) will be restored. Though it is one of Rome’s lesser-known historical structures, hopefully this restoration, unearthing parts of this structure from underground, will draw attention to this part of the Imperial Fora.
  • Facts & Stories
    Emily Hayes(February 20, 2015)
    Feyenoord fans rampaged the historic center of Rome and the newly restored, 400-year-old Bernini Fountain of Barcaccia. The oval basin of the fountain is now filled with broken glass and marble.
  • With a newly elected president, changes are being made to the visiting hours of the historic, 16th-century Palazzo del Quirinale. Soon the Presidential Palace will be open for daily visitors, far longer than it has been opened to the public in the past.
  • Facts & Stories
    Natasha Lardera(February 19, 2015)
    “Siamo fieri di te. Grazie Michele." “We are proud of you. Thank you Michele." With these words, Ferrero, Italy's biggest chocolate manufacturer and maker of other delicious confectionery products, pays homage, on its web site, to Michele Ferrero, often described as a real-life Italian Willy Wonka. The octogenarian entrepreneur died at his home in Monte Carlo on Valentine's day
