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  • On July 18th New York’s Mayor Bill De Blasio will leave the city and head off to Italy for a 10 day holiday with his family, a trip to learn more about his Italian roots.
  • Facts & Stories
    Natasha Lardera(July 10, 2014)
    With the arrival of summer we all experience an uncontrollable desire for something cold and sweet yet not too fattening so gelato and/or ice cream immediately come to mind. Refreshing and thirst quenching they are ideal to fight against the humid heat of the city and the scorching sun of the beach.
  • Expo Milano 2015 has planned a special welcome to all Italians living abroad and all foreign citizens of Italian origin to experience an exciting return to their homeland. The “Made of Italians” initiative, which was launched across the world on June 2nd, and represented parallel to the Fancy Food Show, offers travelers and visitors special rates for travel to Italy and exceptional discounts
  • First published in Italian in 2010, well before the world-wide success of La Grande Bellezza, this debut novel from one of Italy’s most famous movie directors is a brilliant cockeyed state-of-the-nation address that captures the brand of Italian modernity after the years of “Berlusconification.”
  • On Saturday, during his visit in the southern Italian region of Calabria, Pope Bergoglio did what no other Pope had done before: in a land infested by ‘ndrangheta, the local mafia crime organization, speaking during the mass he publicly and unequivocally declared that all ‘mafiosi’ are excommunicated from the Catholic Church
