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  • Time Table – Tavola dei Secoli’ is an exhibition taking place at the Palazzo Madama in Turin, which will run from the 24th of June until the 18th of October. Inspired by the 2015 Milan Expo, whose main theme is ‘feeding the planet’, ‘Time Table’ takes food as its central theme. .
  • In light of the major backlash caused by her statements during a live interview, French Minister Ségolène Royal publically apologizes for her attack on Nutella, in which she urged people to boycott the Italian product on the –inaccurate – basis of it being harmful for the environment and causing deforestation for the production of palm oil.
  • Some of Southern Italy’s most interesting white wines come from the Campania region. One of my favorite whites is Fiano di Avellino, a DOCG wine made from the Fiano grape. In Naples it is a top choice to go with many local dishes, especially seafood.
  • In Berlin. Both teams were champions of their respective leagues and their domestic cups, so the winner of this match would complete the Treble, which is when a team wins three trophies in a single season. The last time an Italian team made it to the Champions League Final, Inter won the Treble in 2010.
  • Genaro Matino is launching a major cultural exchange project that he has been working on for years. Evocatively named “Naples in the World,” it will provide an innovative platform for talking about Naples—a city of solidarity and hope, rather different than the one stereotypically depicted in the media. And he has chosen New York as the site to lay the foundation for his project. In this exclusive interview Gennaro Matino discusses the details of his trip and his view for the future.
  • On May 26th, the special unit of the Carabinieri police devoted to the protection of cultural heritage recovered three frescoes stolen from Pompeii and smuggled out of Italy in 1957 along with other ancient artworks that had ended up in the United States through the illegal art market. Italian Culture Minister Dario Franceschini took the opportunity to address the grave issue of defending the world’s cultural heritage from increasing threats, whether it be in the form of illegal trafficking or of targeted destruction by terrorist groups like ISIS.
