Focus::Daily News


This week I attended the “Eat Healthy and Speak Italian” cooking class at theItalian Culinary Center in New York City. About 70 kids ages 10-16 years attended from two different schools. The workshop is aimed to help kids learn about cooking healthy and delicious Italian food. It was a wonderful experience to be in the room filled with such enthusiasm for food. The kids we so excited so taste, watch, speak, and participate in the session. I even picked up a few Italian cooking terms along the way.

This spring, Barilla, the Italian food company, is partnering with the Italian American Committee on Education (IACE) to sponsor its "Eat Healthy and Speak Italian" cooking series for children at The International Culinary Center in  New York City.

Da dieci anni, solo oggi l’ex console Generale d’Italia a New York, Giorgio Radicati libera i suoi ricordi e ci offre la sua testimonianza di quel giorno, in un libro.

Il ricordo di Giorgio Radicati, Console Generale d'Italia in carica a New York, il giorno dell'attentato alle torri gemelle. Realizzato da

NEW YORK. È tornato a Park Avenue a distanza di nove anni da quando era console generale per parlare dell'11 settembre di dieci anni fa, quando Giorgio Radicati s'era trovato ad affrontare una crisi drammatica senza precedenti dopo gli attentati al World Trade Center.

New York University's Department of Italian Studies Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò Global and Joint Program Studies at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute present "Italy and the U.S. Two Perspectives on the Crisis" Featuring: Roberto Saviano and Nouriel Roubini Moderated by: Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Chair, NYU Department of Italian Studies

Nouriel Roubini, internationally acclaimed finance pop star, demands the introduction of a new discipline at the universities of the world, that of "criminal economics." Together with Roberto Saviano, the investigative journalist from Italy who has been a presumed target of Mafia godfathers for the past four years, he presented a lecture titled "Italy and the United States -- Two Perspectives on the Crisis" at New York University.

When wine lovers think of Piedmont, they often sigh and look at their wallets. Because it is easy to love the big guns of Piedmontese wine making - the venerable Barolos and stately Barbarescos. But these are wines that are not easy on the budget - they are investment wines that most of us can only enjoy on special occasions. 

Humanities in the 21st Century. Human sciences in Italy since Unification: historical and methodological dynamics

On January 12, 2012, Italian students from Ms. Battisti’s and Ms. Pistritto’s classes had the unique opportunity to visit the exhibit 150 years of Italian Genius at the Italian Cultural Institute of New York City. The exhibit covered the contributions made by Italian inventors and scientists to the development of technology and science.
