Focus::Daily News


Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti has met US President Barack Obama in Washington to offer reassurance over the handling of the EU debt crisis. The visit comes just as Greek leaders face new uncertainties over their compliance with austerity measures demanded by Europe and the IMF.

Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti returned home from a successful visit to the United States over the weekend, having won the praise of U.S. President Barack Obama for the rapid economic reforms he has implemented since replacing Silvio Berlusconi in November.

Attribute to Joseph V. Del Raso, Esq., National Italian American Foundation President (NIAF)

“On behalf of the National Italian American Foundation’s Board of Directors, we welcome the appointment of Claudio Bisogniero to the post of Ambassador of the Republic of Italy to the United States.

The Italian American community is awaiting the arrival of the new Italian Ambassador to the United States, Claudio Bisogniero, who will succeed Ambassador Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, now serving as Italy's foreign minister.  He is expected to present his credentials to the White House this month and officially be in Washington in early February.  Bisogniero last served in Washington in 1992 as the First Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs.

A Washington da inizio febbraio, Claudio Bisogniero ha “debuttato” anche a New York, con un pranzo con gli esponenti della comunità italiana organizzato dal Gruppo Esponenti Italiani (Gei). E’ stato un momento per fare il punto sulla congiuntura italiana, ma anche l’occasione per presentare i programmi futuri dell’ambasciata, come l’anno della cultura italiana

Si celebra oggi la giornata della memoria, in ricordo della tragedia della Shoah. Per l’anniversario, il Primo Levi Center di New York ha organizzato una serie di eventi, nel corso dei quali lunedì prossimo verrà presentato in anteprima assoluta il documentario Profughi a Cinecittà, diretto da Marco Bertozzi. Nel film si racconta un episodio misconosciuto relativo alla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, quando gli studios romani vennero riconvertiti a campo profughi per decisione degli americani.

Speciale anteprima a New York, lunedì 30 gennaio, di Profughi a Cinecittà, documentario di Marco Bertozzi, cortometraggio riconosciuto di interesse culturale con il contributo della direzione generale per il Cinema.

Contrasting the prevailing narrative of decline, lack of opportunities, and fleeing talents, a tale of another Italy, with a vibrant start-up sector, producing great industrial innovation.

A panel discussion with: Ronald Spogli, Former U.S. Ambassador to Italy; Fernando Napolitano, President and CEO of Italian Business and Innovation Initiative; Maurizio Molinari, correspondent, La Stampa and author of (noteworthy) "Italians of New York"; and Gianluca Galletto, Co-Founder, PINYC - Professionisti Italiani a New York. Contrasting the prevailing narrative of decline, lack of opportunities and fleeing talents, a tale of another Italy, with a vibrant start-up sector, producing leading edge industrial innovation.

Apart from its permanent museums and open-air wonders, Florence is a continuous  source of events. Springtime in Florence can become a sort of spiritual rebirth, necessary to get free from the blues of a long and cold winter.
