Focus::Daily News


ROME - Amanda Knox, the Seattle college student who was convicted - then dramatically acquitted - of killing her British roommate in Italy, is enjoying her freedom in America.

Italy's president has tapped center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani to form a new government following national elections that produced no clear winner.

Former Olympic champion Pietro Mennea, whose 200 meters world record lasted more than 16 years, has died in a Rome clinic at the age of 60, the Italian Olympic Committee CONI said on Thursday.

New York’s role as the ruling city of the art world has held steady since at least the middle of the 20th century. Next month, a new exhibition about the city’s ever-growing and constantly shifting art scene is opening in the capital of a much older empire: Rome.

 Though of great importance, tomorrow night's World Cup qualifier between San Marino and England is hardly likely to set the national pulse racing.

But thankfully those in search of glamour this international weekend can enjoy the friendly between Brazil and Italy in Geneva this evening.

 The Italian government says it will return to India two marines facing murder charges in the shooting deaths of two fishermen. 

 Italy's political parties remained far apart on Thursday as President Giorgio Napolitano sought to form a government after last month's deadlocked election left no group with a majority in parliament. 

The American delegation to Pope Francis' inaugural mass on Tuesday delivered a letter from US President Barack Obama to the Vatican, American media reported on Wednesday.

Italy's Ministry of Culture (MiBAC) said this week that nearly one million euros have been earmarked to inject a touch of new life into 17 of the country's museums, galleries and archaeological sites. Despite budget cuts, the ministry says that 936,712 euros in funds will be used to update captions, create itineraries, boost marketing and communications.

 Rome, March 20 - From the time Benedict XVI abdicated to the installment of his successor Pope Francis, Rome saw an infusion of up to 50 million euros in tourism cash, Rome's hotel association said Wednesday.  
