Focus::Daily News


A native of Italy's Adriatic coast (near Bologna), Iginio Straffi's journey to becoming an entertainment mogul began with drawing comics at six years old and selling them to friends. He grew up to become a comic book artist before taking his talents to television and feature films.  

Italian center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani on Friday ruled out forming a coalition with Silvio Berlusconi to solve an intractable crisis after this week's inconclusive election.  

 No parliament, no government, no president of the republic. And now not even a pope. The situation in Italy resembles a house of cards in a perfect storm.It’s not just a matter of politicians, scenarios and furniture flying all over the place until the storm subsides. 

French-language inspectors who claimed menu had too many Italian words forced to back down after public outcry. They are known as the language police, a unit within the regional Quebec government that seeks to protect French from the rising tide of English. 

Oscar-winning actor Dustin Hoffman has made his directorial debut with a movie inspired by the works of Romantic composer Giuseppe Verdi, ‘Quartet’. 

The Italian government and the town of Pompeii have launched an international competition in an effort to develop the town’s tourism attractions. 

 VATICAN CITY — He circumnavigated St. Peter’s Square in the popemobile for the last time. He gave his final waves to cheering masses. And most profoundly,Pope Bendedict XVI  bestowed his valedictory words to the world in a heartfelt, sometimes wistful address that highlighted the price of being a pope — and its rays of happiness. 

LIVERPOOL, United Kingdom -- About a week before the Euro 2012 Soccer Championship was due to get underway in Poland and the Ukraine last summer Mario Monti, the outgoing prime minister of Italy, stood alongside his Polish counterpart, Donald Tusk, at a news conference in Rome and proposed that professional soccer in Italy be suspended for up to three years. 

 The junior partner in Italy's centre-left coalition on Wednesday rejected forming a governing alliance with the centre-right after neither side won enough seats to govern in this week's election. 

  The euro is little changed against the dollar as investors wait to see if a new government can be formed in Italy after a general election found no clear winner. 
