Focus::Daily News


 The big winner in Italy's election was populist leader Beppe Grillo, but young Florence mayor Matteo Renzi is emerging as a less obvious beneficiary of a huge protest vote that threatens to destroy the old political system. 

Whether the theme is 'A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women' as defined by the UN for 2013, or if it is 'The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum" chosen by the website, the point is that March 8 is the day for women around the world to celebrate a day dedicated to them.

Queen Elizabeth II on Wednesday called Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to apologize for canceling her planned visit to Italy.

Former Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was convicted Thursday over the illegal publication in a newspaper owned by his media empire of wiretapped conversations related to a bank takeover attempt.

A day before election day two weeks ago, Italian authorities halted a screening of a documentary by the former editor of The Economist about the country's society-wide crisi.
The film, "Girlfriend In A Coma" — a play on the Smiths' song speaking to Emmott's formerly intimate relationship with the country — had already been viewed in other parts of the country and hailed by the Italian press, but a screening in advance of the polls was deemed to threaten the country's election laws. 

Italian center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani rallied his party on Wednesday behind a plan to form a minority government backed by populist Beppe Grillo after failing to secure victory in last week's election.

The activity at Sicily's Mount Etna, as we've said, can be seen from space. But it's video from a much closer perspective that's getting attention today. Check how the night sky glowed Tuesday and Wednesday as the volcano spewed. 

 For Italian-Americans, it was the moment when the meatballs got big.We speak of the 1950s, when at least some of the thousands of immigrants who had poured into New York City from impoverished regions of Italy finally began to see the postwar fruits of their sacrifice. Prosperity was within reach, and they expected their meal at the neighborhood restaurant to express that. 

 The Codacons group said it had asked Rome prosecutors several days ago to investigate sexual abuse Mahony is accused of covering up in the 1980s, and to try to establish whether minors or Italian citizens were among the victims. 

Italy  could be inching closer towards another election within months after center-left leader Pier Luigi Bersani issued an ultimatum to anti-establishment comic Beppe Grillo to support a new government or return to the polls. 
