Focus::Daily News


 Stymied in his efforts to emerge from Italy’s political impasse to become prime minister for the fourth time, media tycoon Silvio Berlusconi says he will start governing anyway. 

 Police in Italy on Tuesday arrested the head of the country’s biggest buffalo mozzarella cheese maker and seized assets worth 100 million euros ($123 million) on suspicion of links to organized crime. 

 A long stalemate since Italy's inconclusive election has left government departments in Rome becalmed until a new administration arrives and powerless to respond to increasingly desperate calls for action from business leaders. 

 "Buon Giorno!"Fresh from Sunday mass, Joe Vitale shouts this greeting to the sky His towering fig trees await. At this house, he has eight that form a green canopy over his postage stamp of a front yard. Below them, sheltering in their shade, are a half dozen cuttings he's rooting. In the back, he has four fine trees. 

 Early in Christopher Castellani’s new novel, “All This Talk of Love,” Frankie Grasso wonders whether he and his family are “at the end of something.” Frankie is a 30-ish graduate student in English literature, still a long way from the end of (for one thing) his dissertation. An answer begins to take shape when his sister, an affluent stay-at-home mom who has never strayed far from their childhood home in Delaware, organizes a family trip to Santa Cecilia, the village in Italy where their parents grew up. 

 Part of Rome's Piazza San Giovanni will take the name of the late pope John Paul II when Pope Francis takes formal possession of the basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano (St John Lateran) on Sunday. 

 Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, buoyed by new opinion polls showing a lead for his center-right coalition, said on Friday Italy must return to the polls quickly unless the center left agrees to govern with him. 

 The Moroccan woman at the center of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's  sex-for-hire trial accused investigators on Thursday of waging psychological warfare against her and manipulating her testimony during interrogations. 

 Italy's president has pardoned a U.S. Air Force colonel convicted in absentia by Italian courts for the CIA-conducted abduction of an Egyptian terror suspect from a Milan street. 

Centre-left Democratic Party (PD) leader Pier Luigi Bersani and outgoing Premier Mario Monti on Thursday agreed "prompt solutions" were needed to forge broad agreement around a possible new government and the election of Italy's next president
