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  • Previously barred from registering their boys born via surrogacy as their legal children, judges ruled in the couple’s favor, claiming that a parental relationship should not be determined exclusively by a biological link.
  • Facts & Stories
    Otylia Coppola(February 27, 2017)
    The 2017 Gala of The American Society of the Italian Legions of Merit (ASILM) Dinner Dance & Awards Ceremony at New York’s Essex House.
  • i-Italy si illumina di Meno per Caterpillar Radio 2
    i-Italy’s editorial staff on Central Park West worked by candlelight from 6pm to 8pm. This unusual work environment was a symbolic show of solidarity for an extremely important cause. This year represented the thirteenth edition of M’illumino di Meno; the initiative’s goal is to encourage people to turn off the lights in homes, offices, and institutions. Refraining from the use of other energy-consuming devices is also encouraged.
  • On Friday, February 24th, "M’illumino di Meno" (Lighting Ourselves Less) is back for its 13th edition. "M’illumino di Meno" is the most important awareness campaign dedicated to energy conservation. The initiative is organized by Caterpillar, an Italian radio program that is produced and transmitted by Rai Radio 2. The i-Italy team on Central Park West is participating in Caterpillar’s energy conservation initiative "M’illumino di Meno" (Lighting Ourselves Less). The staff will turn off their office’s lights and work by candlelight for one hour. Stay tuned and take part in the initiative yourself! Turn off your lights in solidarity, even for a brief moment, and let us know via e-mail at or on Facebook.
  • Facts & Stories
    Samantha Janazzo(February 22, 2017)
    In the United States when we think of Mardi Gras we think New Orleans with floats, fried food, and colorful plastic beaded necklaces. In Italy, Martedì Grasso means Venice's Carnivale, complete with ornate masks, theatric performances, and a parade through Piazza San Marco.
  • According to Hoaxy, the brown dots represent misinformation in the Twittersphere network
    Facts & Stories
    Joelle Grosso(February 21, 2017)
    Italian professor Filippo Menczer is working with Indiana University Bloomington to launch a new program called "Hoaxy" which serves as a platform for tracking online misinformation.
  • The freshly planted Starbucks-sponsored palm trees at the Piazza Duomo were set alight following protests with a racist tinge alleging “Africanization” and the recent outcry over the chain's planned arrival in Italy.
  • Love and the writing of love letters are a central part of Italy’s history. These letters tell stories of love lost, love found, and love rekindled. Their most common subjects are immigrants, refugees, and the exiled. In many cases, love letters are forgotten in drawers, in our grandparents’ suitcases, or in the attic of our parents’ houses. However, one museum looks to highlight the importance of these letters in an intriguing way.
