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  • Rossella Rago and Nonna Carmela's Stuffed Mushrooms
    There’s nothing like nonna’s cooking. But perhaps you’ve never had a chance to record your nonna’s recipes, or perhaps you’re looking to find a new Italian recipe. Not to fear, Rossella Rago has your back with her show “Cooking with Nonna” and her new cookbook also entitled “Cooking with Nonna.”
  • Almost everyone has a favorite Italian dessert. For many people, the traditional dessert of choice is tiramisù. What better excuse to have a bite of this delicious Italian "dolce" than a day dedicated to it? Thanks to Clara and Gigi Padovani, authors of the book "Tiramisù," March 21st will be the first ever “Tiramisù Day.”
  • @ Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò
    Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò continues to act as a bridge between Italy and America by offereing a point of reference for the Italian Culture in New York. The institution, which is situated in the heart of the West Village, presents a wide array of cultural, musical, political, and artistic events. Have you ever gone to one of these events? Do you speak Italian and wish to know more about the Italian culture? Do you follow the live streams on Facebook? Casa Italiana is conducting a survey to know more. Please take 10 minutes of your time and respond to the questions.
  • The 125 S alongside the LaFerrari Aperta.
    Ferrari has been an iconic name in the world of motoring for 70 years. The company is now taking some time to celebrate its accomplishments over the past seven decades.
  • The Gala of Vino 2017 took place at Spring Studios
    An interview with Michele Scannavini, President of the Italian Trade Agency. Italy is the number-one wine supplier in the US and has seen success after success, but the challenges continue.
  • The Sails of Scampia—a crime-ridden housing project in Campania's capital—will be bulldozed this summer as part of government plans to improve deprived areas on the outskirts of Italian cities.
  • The 106th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire will take place later on this month
    Friday, March 24th, marks the 106th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, occurred in New York City. 146 people tragically lost their lives more than a century ago in one of the deadliest industrial disasters to ever occur in the United States.
