You chose: cardinal of naples

You chose: cardinal of naples

  • This January the Cardinal of Naples Crescenzio Sepe will be in New York, where he will meet the Italian and Italian-American community, personalities of the cultural and artistic world, academics, scholars, men of faith and laymen alike. His journey is entitled “Dire Napoli” with a slogan: “Don’t shut the door to hope.” In this interview Mons. Gennaro Matino, professor of theology, author of numerous books, and Cardinal Sepe’s vicar for communications, tells us about the reasons and the goals of this journey.
  • "Dire Napoli al mondo"
    The Cardinal of Naples will be in New York this coming January, where he will meet the Italian community, personalities of the cutural and artistic world, academics, scholars, men of faith and laymen alike. His journey is entitled “Dire Napoli” with a slogan: “Don’t shut the door to hope.” Among the most significant moments of Crescenzio Sepe’s stay in New York will be the meeting with Rabbi Schneier and the leaders of the Jewish community, a round table organized by the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute on the problems of human migrations, and a conversation at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò on the representation of Naples in cinema and the media. The visit will be accompanied by a beautiful exhibition of Neapolitan crèche art, which will be inaugurated at the Italian Cultural Institute on Tuesday, December 14 (6:30pm). i-Italy—which will be the official press service for this journey—met Archibishop Sepe in Naples for an exclusive interview about what “telling Naples” to the world means.