Facts & Stories
The multimedia editorial staff of i-Italy - the largest online network in the United States about the Italian and Italian-American world - has completed the documentary "Dire Napoli a New York". The film, which lasts just under 50 minutes, tells about the trip Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe made the past January: five intense days in the five boroughs of New York (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, and Staten Island) to talk about Naples in all its complexity.

The Cardinal's pilgrimage included all of New York's boroughs, from the inspiring mass in Queens on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's birth, to the moving visit to the Ellis Island Museum of Immigration, the warm welcoming of the Italian-American community of Staten Island at Casa Belvedere and the masses in the Little Italies of Manhattan and Bensonhurst (Brooklyn), as well as the final unexpected visit to the Mother Teresa of Calcutta nuns in the Bronx. Cardinal Sepe also participated in a series of meetings and conferences at the Italian Cultural Insititute, The John D. Clandra Italian American Institute (CUNY), Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò (NY), the Appeal of Consience Foundation and the Park East Synagogue.
Together with making the film, i-Italy also served as press office and organizer during the visit.
The film will be presented in Naples on Friday, April 15, at 6:30pm at the Teatro Mediterraneo with the Cardinal present. The event is organized by the Neapolitan newspaper Il Denaro, together with Mostra d'Oltremare and under the patronage of the Ordine dei Giornalisti della Campania, thank to the contribution of Unicredit.
Present at the event will be the producer of the documentary, Letizia Airos, editor in chief of i-Italy. She will be sided by one of the two assistant directors, Alice Bonvicini. Director Francesco Carnesecchi will not be present due to his commitment on the set of i-Italy's next project.