You chose: italian language

You chose: italian language

  • “Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita,/ mi ritrovai in una selva oscura (Midway upon the journey of our life,/ I found myself within a dark forest).” This powerful beginning could be enough to fall in love with the Italian language. With its musicality, its verbal intelligence, its expressive force...
  • Parents, teachers, institutional representatives all gathered in Harlem’s cozy neighborhood pizzeria Sottocasa to celebrate the progress of Manhattan’s first dual language Italian program at the local PS 242. Together they discussed the benefits of bilingualism, shared their experiences and planned for the future of the program.
  • Two Italian language appointments for Emma D’Aquino’s book “Ancora un giro di chiave” edited by Baldini & Castoldi. One of the most renowned Italian news anchors puts together a moving and incredible telling of detainee Nino Marano’s story. Why did we decide to hold them in Italian?
  • A flag ceremony was held this morning, April 12, 2019, at Harlem’s Public School 242 to celebrate the launch of Manhattan’s first Italian Dual Language Program, an achievement carried out by the “In Italiano” parent association and supported by IACE, the Italian Consulate, and the local Italian community at large.
  • IACE Summer Camp
    Facts & Stories
    Giada Gramanzini(July 26, 2018)
    The 22 students selected by the Italian American Committee on Education just ended their 2 weeks Summer camp in Narni, Italy, where they took not only Italian language classes, but also special lessons in cooking, ceramics, bottle weaving and music. Moreover, they visited beautiful places and took part to the Narnia Festival, a big celebration of arts.
  • In the 2018-19 school year two Dual Lan-guage Program will take off: one at PS242 in Manhattan (West Harlem) and the other one at PS132 in Williamsburg. This was made possible thanks to the work done by to Moth-ers: Stefaia Puxeddu and Benedetta Scardovi-Mounier. Their efforts have opened a path and created hope for other parents. At an in-stitutional level, their initiative has the full support of the Italian General Consulate in New York and the Italian American Commit-tee on Education
