You chose: italian language

You chose: italian language

  • Interview with Emmelina De Feo - EDUITALIA
    In occasion of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, we met with Emmelina De Feo, the USA Manager for Eduitalia: “Our main goal is to disseminate Italian culture in the field of Study Abroad at an international level, and to encourage cultural tourism to Italy, as well as to facilitate the arrival of students and foreign researchers”
  • As many know by now, the future of the Advanced Placement Exam in Italian is on the chopping block after two and one-half years in existence. The language might seem a bit dramatic, but it clearly describes the current situation. Perhaps a bit more colorful and/or colloquial than one might expect, but we really need to be as transparent as we can about the critical status of the Advanced Placement Exam in Italian and, more important, the subsequent disadvantage to those high school students who have opted for Italian over the so-called canonical languages: those languages, we’ve been told, that have more currency within the greater United States' collective consciousness.
