You chose: vincenzo scotti

You chose: vincenzo scotti

  • In a recent two-day conference at the John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, dozens of scholars from the U.S., Italy and elsewhere looked into the global mafia phenomenon from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The guest of honor was Italy’s former Interior Minister Vincenzo Scotti, whose book about the relationship between the Mafia and the State in Italy has just been translated into English.
  • Amintore Fanfani, President of the UN General Assembly (1965-1966)
    New York. Conversation with Vincenzo Scotti, undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on the sidelines of the symposium, “Two Mediterranean Statesmen at the Helm of the UN: Amintore Fanfani and Guido de Marco” at NYU. We speak with him about the United Nations of today and yesterday, cities in the context of an integration process, the centrality of Italy’s parliament, and other topics
  • Luciano Testa and Gino Baia
    At the Italian Cultural Institute the show "Nativity in the World/ from Naples to New York", the exhibit of Neapolitan crèches brought by Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe. "This art is life, Naples is a vital city, a cultural capital of the world throughout the centuries" - said Consul general Francescò Maria Talò at the opening
  • After the signing
    Art & Culture
    A.B. & M.D.M.(November 11, 2010)
    Together at the Consulate General of Italy to celebrate the signing of the agreement that reinstates the Advanced Placement Program in Italian Language and Culture.