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You chose: press

  • America Oggi – NJ-based Italian newspaper – puts its journalists to unemployment. The contributions from the office of the prime minister are not sufficient. We have been managing without them for years. We believe that the economic crisis can be turned into a new opportunity for information. And we think that those who distribute these contributions should see that too. What do you think?
  • Web. Print. Television. A mobile app. And now a Fiat 500 to go around New York tracking everything Italian. Is this new or old media? Global or local? And what’s our business model? Believe it or not, it’s all about staying free. "People have got to stop talking about new media and old media. We’re not ashamed of print media. Nor do we bow to the altar of TV. Maybe it’s because we started out on the web."
  • Giorgio Napolitano's visit to the White House on May 25, 2010 strengthened the friendship and mutual sympathy between Barack Obama and our President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano. However the Italian press found just a little space for some analysis and comments by eminent experts of international politics who expressed their opinions about the status of the relationship between United States and Italy during the Obama administration.