You chose: giovanni falcone

You chose: giovanni falcone

  • Directed by Simone Aleandri and Produced by Clipper Media with Rai Cinema, the documentary Sono Cosa Nostra celebrates the 20years ofLibera,anetworkof over 1600 associations fighting against all types of Mafias. Libera wasfounded by Don Ciotti, a priest from Turin, in 1995 and it uses land and assets seized from the Mafia to set up local food cooperatives, anti­drug projects, and community centers. Libera was also fundamental in the passing oflaw 109 which allowsthe seizure of assets belonging the Mafia.
  • The “No to Mafia” movement passed through the Sicilian capital. Starting with the involvement of schools. Over 40 thousand students out on the streets, some coming from Europe and the United States. Also present was the NIAF (National Italian American Foundation), which, alongside the Fulbright commission and the Falcone Foundation, stipulated an agreement for six scholarships to be assigned to Sicilian students wishing to study in America and American students who would want to go study in Sicily. An ambitious project, involving three important institutions with the common goal of promoting research and scientific depth in the field of criminology, as was specified by the president of NIAF, John Viola.
  • May 23 marks the 21st anniversary of the murder of the anti-Mafia Judge Giovanni Falcone, his wife Francesca Morvillo and their three bodyguards, blown up by 500 kilos of dynamite on the highway between the airport at Puna Raisi and the city of Palermo. Most of those considered responsible are in prison. But what is believed to lie behind his murder, and that months later of his fellow magistrate Paolo Borsellino, is still being analyzed by Palermo magistrates investigating allegations that an illegal secret pact had been forged between the government and the Mafia. In the words of Palermo's chief prosecutor, Roberto Scarpinato, "We must take cognizance that the Mafia evil is not outside of us, but also among us."
  • Facts & Stories
    Judith Harris(August 27, 2012)
    From Palermo, prosecutor Antonio Ingroia is fighting to have those responsible for a sub rosa negotiation in 1992 between top Mafia bosses and representatives of the Italian state brought to trial. Most unfortunately for all concerned, the phone taps he ordered as part of his inquiry led straight into the Quirinal Palace.
  • In the article "The Anti-Mafia Professionals", appeared on the national daily Il Corriere della Sera, Sicilian writer Leonardo Sciascia attacked Borsellino when he requested a transfer from the Palermo anti-Mafia pool of judges to Marsala where he hoped to take over as chief prosecutor: "This article was a stunning error, and the cause of permanent damage. To speak of Borsellino as an ‘anti-Mafia professional’ was absurd and completely implausible," commented Giancarlo Caselli, a witness to the events that brought to the murder of judge Giovanni Falcone, prosecutor Paolo Borsellino and their police escorts
  • On July 18, the day before the l8th anniversary of the murder of Judge Paolo Borsellino, the statues commemorating him and another emblematic victim of the Sicilian Mafia, Judge Giovanni Falcone, were smashed by vandals. On the day before the official commemoration a scant one hundred marched in Palermo in an anti-Mafia procession, led by Borsellino’s brother
  • IO RICORDO L'idea Fondazione Progetto Legalità
    The Screening of "Io Ricordo" (I Remember), a film that recounts the story of anti-Mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino as well as many other victims of the Mafia, is part of the program scheduled for June 17 in New York to mark the tenth anniversary of the Palermo Convention and the additional protocols established to combat organized crime
