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You chose: boston

  • Sandro Botticelli (Italian, 1444 or 1445-1510), The Story of Lucretia, 1499-1500. Credit: Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston
    After having being separated for hundreds of years, two iconic, Renaissance paintings by artist Sandro Botticelli have been reunited, first in Italy and now in Boston at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. They are "The Tragedy of Lucretia,” purchased in 1894 by Isabella Stewart Gardner and first Botticelli to land on US soil, and “The Story of Virginia,” from the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo. They are the core of a new exhibit in the Gardner Museum's Hostetter Gallery (in the new wing), "Botticelli: Heroines + Heroes," through May 19.
  • Barbara Lynch
    Dining in & out
    Tommaso Cartia(December 14, 2017)
    World-acclaimed chef Barbara Lynch has been taking Boston’s Italian dining scene by storm. Recently, she has also partnered with Eataly in running Il Pesce restaurant
  • Little Italy, Boston
    The fishermen who immigrated from Southern Italy brought with them a distinct culinary tradition that is now part of Boston’s dining scene.
  • From the 18th to the 22nd July 2017, the Italian Navy Training Ship Amerigo Vespucci will be in Boston in the United States, the seventh port of call of the Training Campaign 2017. The Training Campaign on board the Amerigo Vespucci represents a key element in the cadet professional development, passing on the Italian Navy’s core values of love for the sea, ethics, loyalty and honor. After Boston, the Amerigo Vespucci will proceed to New York on July 26th, continuing to represent our country and ‘made in Italy.’
  • La Amerigo Vespucci notturna in tricolore
    La Nave Scuola Amerigo Vespucci della Marina Militare sosterà dal 18 al 22 luglio nel porto di Boston negli Stati Uniti per la settima tappa della Campagna d’Istruzione 2017. L'amore per il mare, l'etica, la fedeltà, la disciplina e l'onore sono i valori fondanti che contraddistinguono gli uomini e le donne della forza armata. Dopo la tappa Bostoniana l’Unità approderà a New York il 26 luglio, continuando a rappresentare il Paese ed il “made in Italy”.
  • Esordio di successo a Boston per "Wine Hunter", l'evento ideato dagli organizzatori del Merano Wine Festival con l'intento di presentare nuove aziende vitivinicole italiane e di proporre nuovi modelli per la promozione del vino in italiano.
  • Following its success in New York and Chicago, Eataly landed in Boston late last year. After its original strongholds—the fish restaurant Il Pesce, and a pop-up restaurant called La Cucina—Eataly Boston has now added a grilled-cuisine restaurant, Terra, which includes a Barrel Room where you can taste artisanal beers directly from the barrel.
  • Visiting MITEI Labs, a research center established nine years ago in a collaboration between MIT and several energy-sector companies, including Italy’s Eni. MITEI (or MIT Energy Initiative) has become an incubator for energy ideas and research projects, an across-the- board enterprise involving hundreds of professors and thousands of students. Its goal is to meet the growing demand for energy in an environmentally responsible way.
