Focus::Daily News


 Born just a day apart in the United States, two strikers were celebrating scoring in an international friendly on Monday night. But for different teams. And the Stars and Stripes were nowhere in sight on the banks of the River Thames. 

At least 17 people have been killed in flooding and hundreds made homeless after a cylone swept over the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, Italian authorities said on Tuesday.  

Mount Etna, Europe's most active volcano, has erupted again, lighting up the sky over much of eastern Sicily and shooting up a towering column of ash.The eruption, which began late Saturday and tapered off Sunday morning, didn't endanger any of the villages dotting the mountain's slopes, and no evacuation was ordered. 


At least 17 people were killed by floods and hundreds made homeless after a cyclone swept over the Mediterranean island of Sardinia, Italian authorities said on Tuesday.The government declared a state of emergency after Cyclone Cleopatra dropped 450mm of rain in an hour and a half overnight, causing rivers to burst their banks, sweeping away cars and flooding homes across the island."This is a national tragedy," Prime Minister Enrico Letta said.The declaration of a state of emergency will allow resources to be freed up more quickly to reach devastated areas, with swathes of the island under muddy flood waters that covered cars and swamped houses. 


This Sunday is the premiere of “Masterpiece,” an Italian talent show competition that pits aspiring writers against one another to win a book deal. That’s right, it’s "American Idol” for authors.

Mario Balotelli is no longer a teenager, so petulant behavior will be less tolerated than it previously was.The 23-year-old Italian hitman has shown signs of progression since joining Milan, but a turbulent start to this year's campaign has meant that his starting place on the Italian  national team might be in jeopardy, considering the emergence of Giuseppe Rossi.

An anti-mob prosecutor in Italy has warned that Pope Francis has ruffled feathers among the ‘Ndrangheta organized crime organization. Nicola Gratteri, 55, a state prosecutor in the Calabria region of southern Italy, said the pope’s push to bring change to the Roman Catholic church has made ‘Ndrangheta wiseguys “very nervous,” the Religion News Service reported from Rome.

Pictures of Bill de Blasio and his family are plastered on bulletin boards around town. City officials will soon anoint him an honorary citizen. A sponge cake, filled with hazelnut and white chocolate, has been named in his honor.

It was the magic number that the assembled experts at the World Bank impressed most: 72%. That is the follow-up success rate for drug addicts who completed the San Patrignano long-term program. Compare that with US institutions which usually have success rates lower than 30%.  

Don’t get me wrong, I loved my recent trip back to my Italian roots. But when I learned that NYC & Co, the city’s tourism arm, was reaching out to feature Arthur Avenue in the Bronx as part of its Neighborhood By Neighborhood campaign, I was there in a New York minute.   
