Focus::Daily News


From East Harlem in New York to Disneyland in Southern California, many Latinos on Monday will celebrate a Christmas holiday that some believe is even bigger than December 25, the Día de los Reyes.

The holidays have passed and the New Year is upon us. In Italy, Jan. 6 marks the day when the three wise men bring gifts to the infant Jesus. This is Epiphany, the end of the Christmas season. In Italy, the night before Epiphany, also known as a twelfth night, is known to most children as a night when the good witch, known as the Befana, arrives on her broomstick and brings sweets, chocolates, fresh fruit and treats to the children have been good and coal to those who have not.

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Doctors say Pier Luigi Bersani, a longtime Italian center-left leader who tried but failed to form a government after Italy's inconclusive 2013 election, has suffered a brain hemorrhage. The University of Parma hospital said Bersani was undergoing surgery late Sunday after the source of the hemorrhage was located. It said he had been hospitalized earlier in the day but remained conscious. 

In 2009, one of the deadliest earthquakes in recent Italian history hit the central Italian town of L’Aquila. A few days later, Eugenio Coccia, then director of the nearby Gran Sasso National Laboratory, the world’s largest underground laboratory for particle physics research, sat at his desk in a building that had escaped the devastation, and pondered.

Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne's merger of carmakers Fiat and Chrysler will probably entail a U.S. share listing that cements North America as the group's new centre of gravity and further sidelines Italy. Two sources close to Fiat said it was likely to move its primary listing to New York as early as 2015 after a merger with Chrysler, the third-largest U.S. automaker, heralding a politically delicate shift of focus that reflects the operating facts.

Seven inches of snow dumped over New York on his second day in office is not the only blizzard Bill De Blasio, the newly instated mayor, is having to negotiate. He is also heading into a political blizzard over his plans to tackle inequality by raising taxes on the very rich. 

Nuns in a convent in southern Spain have told local media of their surprise at an answerphone message they received from Pope Francis on New Year's Eve. Pope Francis was previously archbishop of Buenos Aires and knew some of the nuns at the convent as they also are from Argentina. The nuns were at prayer when the Pope rang.

Museums and archaeological sites on the southern island of Sicily will remain open during the upcoming three-day Epiphany weekend, Sicily Governor Rosario Crocetta said Friday after a snap meeting with local culture officials.

 Newly formed carmaker Fiat-Chrysler aims to list on the New York stock exchange by the end of this year after the much-heralded completion of the Italian vehicle manufacturer's purchase of the outstanding stake it doesn't already own in its U.S. unit, which was announced earlier this week, according to the Financial Times. 

 An earthquake has rattled much of southern Italy, sending frightened people into the streets of Naples and in towns in the countryside. 
