Focus::Daily News


 Italy has launched Operation Mare Nostrum to tackle the immigration emergency. It will be a ''humanitarian operation'' to ''save human lives'', Defense Minister Mario Mauro said, as well as a ''security'' one. 

 The more you observe the two Italian superstars, the more you start to see all of their uncanny resemblances. Mario Balotelli is the natural heir to Roberto Baggio both domestically and on the Italian national team. 

What's the attraction?
In all likelihood, Shakespeare never set foot in Italy. Yet the country exerted a powerful hold on his imagination and of his 38 plays, 13 are either wholly or partially set on Italian soil: Romeo and Juliet act out their tragic passions in Verona, Shylock demands his pound of flesh in Venice, Julius Caesar conspires and falls in Rome.

Now that Giuseppe Rossi is back on Italy's squad, he doesn't plan to make the same mistake he made two seasons ago.Rossi acknowledged on Tuesday that one of the reasons why he re-injured his right knee in April 2012, was because he was pushing too hard to return from a torn anterior cruciate ligament in time for that year's European Championship.

Deep sea divers "unpacked a wall of people" from the hull of a smuggler's trawler on the sea floor near this Italian island on Monday, gingerly untangling the dead would-be migrants in the latest and most painstaking phase of a recovery operation following the ship's fiery capsizing.

 But the Silvio Berlusconi who stood before the Italian Senate on Wednesday was no longer invincible. His brazen attempt to bring down Italy’s coalition government had provoked a mutiny in his own party. Most startling, Mr. Berlusconi, the powerful former prime minister, was reversing himself and bending to the rebellion. 

 A ship carrying African migrants to Europe caught fire and capsized off the Italian island of Lampedusa on Thursday, killing at least 114 people as it spilled hundreds of passengers into the sea, many of whom drowned from not knowing how to swim, officials said. 

Italy could face pressure from international partners if the current political crisis persists and reverberates through the euro zone, Labour Minister Enrico Giovannini said on Sunday.

In his early days as a rising star chef, Mario Batali received a letter from Marcella Hazan after he had made risotto in a sauté pan on his television show, "Molto Mario."

Luciano Vincenzoni, an urbane Italian screenwriter who worked with Billy Wilder, Dino De Laurentiis and other giants of film but to his dismay was best known for helping to write two spaghetti westerns starring a young Clint Eastwood, died in Rome.
