Exceptional Concert for the 70th Anniversary of the Italian Republic
Salvatore Accardo, Mario Brunello, and Beatrice Rana: three exceptional musicians performing together for the first time, accompanied by the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai conducted by James Conlon. The three soloists, representing three generations of world-renowned Italian musicians, will be the protagonists of the concert taking place by will of the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinal Palace, celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Italian Republic.
The concert, scheduled on Wednesday 1 June at 6 pm, will be held at the Quirinal Palace, in the Salone dei Corazzieri, and will be live broadcast by Rai Cultura on Rai1, and aired the following day, Thursday 2 June, at 9.15 pm on Rai5.
The core of the program is Beethoven’s famous “Triple Concerto”, where violin, cello, and piano engage on an intense musical dialogue between them, and with the orchestra. The work, written between 1903 and 1804, follows the patterns of the Sinfonia Concertante written by Mozart and Haydn, seeking a mediation between the instrumental solo and the concertante style, while at the same time creating something new: Beethoven himself, in a letter sent to the publisher Härtel, wrote that «a Sinfonia Concertante, with those three concertante instruments, is indeed something new».
A very famous but little performed concerto, the Triple Concerto faces the difficulty of putting together three top level performers. The goal has been reached in this occasion, where Salvatore Accardo, one of the greatest violinists worldwide, celebrated cellist Mario Brunello, who is enjoying increasing success, and Beatrice Rana, a highly talented pianist who is experiencing an incredible international career despite her young age, are performing together for the Quirinal Concert.
A commemoration of the day of the Republic could not go without celebrating Giuseppe Verdi, famous opera composer who, more than any other, represents Italian music abroad. The concert presents some of his symphonic works, like the Prelude and the Ballabili from Macbeth, Act III; and the symphonies from the operas La Battaglia di Legnano and Luisa Miller.
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