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  • Artist Scott LoBaido
    Facts & Stories
    Jerry Krase(October 13, 2016)
    Who will New York City’s Italian-American voters favor in the upcoming presidential election in November? Based on statistical analyses and past voting performance, it will be the Republican Party candidate Donald Trump. However, because of the growing number of more liberal Italian- American New Yorkers, especially among the young and women, the margin might not be as HUGE as expected.
  • As seen on i-Italy | TV. Chief Operating Officer John Viola
    Facts & Stories
    Letizia Airos(October 13, 2016)
    The youngest president in the history of NIAF talks about his first years on the job, explains how the organization works, and outlines his views for the future. He also touches upon delicate topics such as NIAF’s relationship with other Italian-American organizations, and he prides NIAF’s partnership with i-Italy.
  • “The General Assembly of the Italian Language” will be held next week in Florence
    Facts & Stories
    Joelle Grosso(October 13, 2016)
    Next week, many of Italy’s most influential politicians as well as various international scholars will gather in Florence to discuss the power and the possibilities of the Italian language. For those not able to attend the event, it can be seen live in streaming on the website
  • NIAF Gala 2015
    This weekend (October 14-15) NIAF will pay homage to heritage with an extravaganza of song, food, and cultural activities, capped off with a black-tie awards dinner.
  • Director Karin Coonrod and Compagnia de’ Colombari at Casa Italiana
    In commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the Jewish Ghetto in Venice and the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death, "The Merchant in Venice" was produced by Italian Theater company Compagnia de’ Colombari to be performed in the Venetian Jewish Ghetto for the first time in history. Cast members and the director, Karin Coorod, answer questions about the challenges and success of the production.
  • In October of 1492, Christopher Columbus completed the first of his expeditions that would land him on the shores of North America. Sponsored by Isabella I and Ferdinand II, Columbus embarked on a 10-week voyage he had hoped would lead to Asia. But when his ships instead landed in the Bahamas, a new story began to unfold. The spirit of exploration that Columbus embodied was sustained by all who would follow him westward, driving a desire to continue expanding our understanding of the world.
  • i-Italy will be presenting its recent and future projects in a conference session at the 41st Annual meeting of the National Italian American Foundation. Host: John M. Viola; Moderator: John D. Calvelli; Panelists: Patricia DeStacy Harrison, Linda Carlozzi, Aileen Riotto Sirey. Join us on Saturday, October 15 @ 11:30am at the Washington Marriot Wardman Park Hotel.
