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  • Italian Americans during the rally. Photo Credit: Riccardo Chioni
    With flags, scarves, and tri-colored handkerchiefs, approximately 50 members of Italian-American organizations took part in Saturday’s rally at Columbus Circle. The following day in Queens marked the first meeting of Mayor de Blasio’s commission aimed at examining “symbols of hate.” The great navigator, Christopher Columbus, found himself at the center of the controversy surrounding the Commission and its mission.
  • Facts & Stories
    S. K.(November 17, 2017)
    Eataly founder Oscar Farinetti expands his brand of food halls in a big way. November 15th marked the grand opening of FICO Eataly World, a gastronomical and educational emporium dedicated to the tradition of Italian food. The park is located in Bologna, a city known for its rich cuisine.
  • Amy Riolo and Massimo Lucidi, Italian marketing expert and journalist
    What better time to honor individuals and companies upholding traditional Italian values than October - National Italian-American Heritage Month? On Saturday October 14, the 4th annual Premio Eccellenza Italiana award ceremony took place at Café Milano in Georgetown
  • From the presentation at the ENIT headquarter inside the Italian Cultural Institute New York.
    At the start of its winter season, Alitalia gives a presentation at ENIT’s New York headquarters, highlighting new developments and enhancements. New Alitalia's Chief Commercial Officer, Fabio Maria Lazzerini, spoke about them focusing on the American market and luxury accommodations.
  • President and COO of NIAF John M. Viola awarded during the Gala
    This past weekend the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) hosted its 42nd Anniversary Gala, at the Washington Marriot Wardman Park Hotel in Washington D.C. A weekend-long celebration of Italian and Italian-American heritage, traditions, educational talks, food and entertainment with Sicily being the region of honor for this year. NIAF also saluted his President & COO John M. Viola, resigning from his role after six years of exceptional dedication.
  • New President of Sicily Region, Nello Musumeci. Courtesy of
    In a regional election Sunday in Sicily, a fledgling center-right coalition trounced the center-left, leaving former Premier Matteo Renzi and his party in deep trouble. The vote is seen as a harbinger of things to come when the nation goes to the polls next March.
  • Nairobi City, Kenya
    The Italian Trade Agency in New York hosted the special investors network event “Italy, Kenya and East Africa: Opportunities, Challenges and Prospects,” an important occasion to talk about the new possible investments in the Eastern African countries whose economies are rapidly developing and transforming. The meeting was organized by the A.I.I.K. (Italian Kenyan Industrial Association) and its North American representative Paolo Siniscalco, co-founder of the Italian accounting firm Siniscalco & Partners and Of Counsel with Grassi & Co for the Italian-American markets
  • Italy produces and exports more pasta than any other Country
    For the fifth month in a row the sluggish Italian economy shows signs of improvement. Consumer confidence is on the rise, while unemployed has dropped from a high of 13% to this month's 11.2%.
