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  • IACE Summer Camp
    Facts & Stories
    Giada Gramanzini(July 26, 2018)
    The 22 students selected by the Italian American Committee on Education just ended their 2 weeks Summer camp in Narni, Italy, where they took not only Italian language classes, but also special lessons in cooking, ceramics, bottle weaving and music. Moreover, they visited beautiful places and took part to the Narnia Festival, a big celebration of arts.
  • Chairman & CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Sergio Marchionne
    Sergio Marchionne's condition is "irreversible," according to the hospital in Zurich where he is in intensive care. And on July 21 Fiat Chrysler chairman, John Elkann, 42, wrote a wistful semi-obituary letter to the company's 236,000 employees, reminding them that it was Marchionne's "intellect, perseverance and leadership that saved Fiat."
  • Ivrea, Ponte Vecchio
    The city identified with Olivetti, the manufacturer of office machines since it was founded in 1896, is Italy's 54th to be accorded World Heritage status by UNESCO. For Adriano Olivetti, factory owners were to respect the workers' whole life, and not only the assembly line
  • High School students
    With the beginning of the new school year, La Scuola d’Italia in New York will offer the International Baccalaureate Program to all its juniors as an integral part of their studies. The Program is recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and by all the major university institutions worldwide.
  • 100% Italian Gelato. Photo credits: Francesco Sapienza
    Facts & Stories
    Giada Gramanzini(July 11, 2018)
    Summer has brought with it a “frozen” air in New York City. Chef Giacomo d’Alessandro and his team of professionals and lovers of Italian gelato and pastries are are having great success in Little Italy since the opening of Polosud Gelato, Coffee and Pastries, their Sicilian-style gelato store located at 166 Mott St.
  • Cornetti
    Facts & Stories
    Giada Gramanzini(July 10, 2018)
    Among the companies present at the Summer Fancy Food 2018 in New York, Forno d'Asolo and La Donatella, who have been working together since 2016, satisfied the most refined palates with a wide selection of Italian Cornetti, Tiramisù and much more
  • Advertisements for Domenic D'Amico's practice through the years
    This year marks the 25th anniversary of D'Amico Dental Care which was founded by Dr. Domenic D'Amico in 1993. This is noteworthy enough but D'Amico's practice made news recently in a bizarre fashion.
  • On July 2, Naumburg Bandshell turned into an enchanted place at nightfall. The last edition of Opera Italiana is in the Air was a great success thanks to an amazing orchestra and a special conductor, who is proof that in life it is worth pursuing one's dreams
