Italian performance artist Pippa Bacca, hitchhiking from Milan to Tel Aviv in a wedding dress as part of a performance piece promoting peace, was raped and killed in Turkey.
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There’s an evident coldness in the foreign press in response to the electoral victory of Silvio Berlusconi...
A summary of all electoral results in North America
“Hanno detto di lui peste e corna, ma poi l’hanno votato tutti.” (They said all they could about him, down to calling him "cornuto", but then they all voted for him.)
Ironically for a system of proportional representation, the election appeared to have eliminated from the scene most of the small parties. Apparently only six parties will take up seats in the House.
Pope Benedict XVI will be in the United States from the 15th to the 21st of April. The trip is creating a lot of curiosity and expectations, during which the Pontiff will also celebrate his 81st birthday on April 16.
According to the New York Times, “Italy’s political life has always been absurd, but Mr. Ferrara’s (Il Foglio) recent theatrics touch on something deeper. He is a cultural barometer, highly attuned to the desperation of the national mood...
Two years after the last elections were held, Italians are voting again for a new government. This time, thanks to the Tremaglia Law, Italians living abroad will also have the opportunity to vote. In Italy, opinions regarding the impact of this Law in the last round of voting are mostly negative.
On Tuesday, April 8, 2008 the Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at the New York University hosted a special event with a very prominent guest, the U.S. Ambassador to Italy Ronald P. Spogli.
The John D. Calandra Italian/American Institute hosted a conference presenting the book "Altreitalie: Cittadinanza e Diritto al Voto", in an evening of discussion about the Italian vote abroad