You chose: economy

You chose: economy

  • Italy's deputy premiers Salvini and Di Maio, governing partners for the past year, have not been on speaking terms for weeks. But under pressure from the European Union over the country's giant debt, they are trying to find a way out, as an EU deadline looms July 9
  • Despite gloomy predictions, the Italian economy has surged upwards. Showing an increase of 0.1% in the past 12 months, the hike in the GDP is accompanied by an increase in employment. While domestic demand remains timid, exports have increased.
  • In the words of Premier Giuseppe Conte, the latest Fitch Ratings signal the "solidity" of the Italian economy. And to maintain that solidity requires the country's continued support of the European Union, adds Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank (BCE).
  • Fear of immigrants is an economic theme: 58% say they believe that migrants take away jobs from Italians
    This December's annual Censis Report on the Italian society and economy is not exactly what Santa ordered. Its 52d edition shows an Italy suffering from fear of the future and of migrants, and lax in investing in education.
  • Having coffee in New York with the president of Italy’s Confindustria doesn’t happen very often! But we got the chance to sit down with Vincenzo Boccia at the end of a lunch organized by the GEI (Gruppo Esponenti Italiani), where Mr. Boccia was being presented with a special award by GEI President Lucio Caputo.
  • The Gala of Vino 2017 took place at Spring Studios
    An interview with Michele Scannavini, President of the Italian Trade Agency. Italy is the number-one wine supplier in the US and has seen success after success, but the challenges continue.
  • A sour note will be heard in Italy's otherwise glorious September song: the economy. A fundamental problem: nine Italian families out of ten are relatively poorer today than were their parents back in the last century.
  • Italy's youthful Premier Matteo Renzi and his more mature Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan are talking money. On the agenda: a pending law that cuts property taxes, raises the cash limit for money transfers, and offers part-time jobs to those waiting for pensions that don't come. But there are also quarrels about public income deriving from gambling.
  • Op-Eds
    Judith Harris(August 19, 2015)
    Italy has discovered a game which, it seems, everyone else has been playing for years: “The X-door,” where players are locked into an escape room until they can fumble their way out. But the real X-door remains the economy, and latest figures show that nowhere is it easy to find the way out. Protecting the Made-in-Italy label is an important clue.
