You chose: italian theater

You chose: italian theater

  • Theatrical masterpiece Le sorelle Macaluso/The Sisters Macaluso by Emma Dante – recently named "one of Italy's most sought-after contemporary directors" by The Financial Times - will have its U.S. premiere at Montclair State University (Nov. 16-19), as part of a Peak Performances season celebrating the creative force of women.
  • After a successful run at the celebrated Piccolo Teatro in Milano and a tour throughout northern and southern Italy, the show Taddrarite, brought by Accura Teatro, has had its North American debut (during the In Scena! Italian Theater Festival). Winner of the Roma Fringe Festival 2014, one of the largest multi-arts festivals, the play, written and directed by Luana Rondinelli, is the story of three women, victims of violence, told with irony, intelligence, theatrical skill and superb acting.
  • EXTRA Teatro wants to stimulate young audiences to love theater and to embrace a new culture and language in a fun and entertaining way. They came to NYC to present two shows, Vagabond$ and My Monster Friend, at the 18th annual New York International Fringe Festival – FringeNYC. It was a great succes!
  • On the occasion of the US Premiere of the performance of Rumore di Acque (Noises in the Waters) by Teatro delle Albe at La MaMa Theater, Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò presented a panel discussion with scholars and artists who analyzed Marco Martinelli's book, published by Bordighera Press and translated by Thomas Simpson, which is the source of a play that protests our indifference to the everyday reality of boats crowded with migrants that sink at sea
  • The Origin Theater Company in association with Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò and Kairos Italy Theater presented a one-act play by the celebrated Italian screenwriter, playwright, novelist, journalist and drama critic who is best known for his work with Fellini in honor of the fortieth anniversary of his death.