You chose: paolo virzì

You chose: paolo virzì

  • “La pazza gioia” by Paolo Virzì is nominated for best film
    Think of the David di Donatello as one of the most prestigious film award ceremonies of the year for Italy. Read on to find out what happened in the biggest night for contemporary Italian cinematography.
  • Interview with film director Paolo Virzì before the release , in the US, of his: “Human Capital”, on January 14. "We took the plot from a novel (by American writer Stephen Amidon) set in Connecticut and breathed into it the ailing soul of northern Italy." "It’s not a coincidence. The world has gotten smaller. We all have the same smartphones in our pockets, we’re all living in the same landscape, we’re all dreaming the same dream and suffering the same distress. Of course each person has his or her own characteristics, as an individual but also as a social, political, and aesthetic being."
  • We had a chance to meet and interview director Virzi after the first screening of his film latest film. It is a multi-layered thriller, with some notes of comedy, that examines the value of human life. Starring Frabrizio Bentivoglio, Valeria Golino and Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, it's a class critique, a look at the super rich and at the wannabes and at their greed. There still is time to see the film at the Tribeca Film Festival 4/27 at 2.30 pm – AMC Lowes Village
  • From June 3 to 10, Lincoln Center hosted a film festival of movies made in Italy: it was completely sold out. But what do Italian directors think about their cinema? A highly attended debate took place at Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò (NYU).