You chose: gabriele salvatores

You chose: gabriele salvatores

  • Me and You, Io e Te, is a film from 2012 by Bernardo Bertolucci, his last one for now. The film, based in the novel by the same title by Niccolò Ammaniti, was screened at Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò as part of The New Literature from Europe Festival “an annual celebration of writing from across the European continent, featuring readings and discussions between leading and emerging literary voices from Europe.” Among this year’s representative there was Roman writer Niccolò Ammaniti.
  • Italy in a Day is Oscar winning director Grabriele Salavtores' latest endeavor. The collective/social film portrays a day, a day only (October 26, 2013), in the life of Italians – there are those who are happy, those who are sad, those who are in jail or simply having meal with their family. Life can be so many different things...
  • Looking ahead to September, Oscar winner Gabriele Salvatores had compiled a film from 44,000 volunteers which will debut at the Venice Cinema Biennale on Sept. 2, giving a portrait of Italy and Italians taken, as if a snapshot, on Oct. 26, 2013.