Carlo Petrini, founder of the International Slow Food Movement and author of Loving the Earth, is extremely passionate about changing the food industry, taking action now, before it’s too late. He wants to create awareness of the flaws in the way the food industry currently operates, which focuses solely on spectacle and consumerism.
You chose: terra madre
Ramassin, Bella di Garbana, Pompìa, Porceddu, Valeggia, Misso, Cocomerina--know what these strange names stand for? They’re varieties of fruit from the north and south of the bel paese that Slow Food has saved by incorporating them into the list of protected foods put out by the “Presìdi” project.
While visiting the campus of the University of Gastronomic Studies in Pollenzo, Italy, we met Carlo Petrini, founder of "Slow Food" and director of the university. We discussed the history of the movement, food diversity and Italian cuisine in the United States.