You chose: sergio mattarella

  • Luigi Di Maio, Leader of the Five Star Movement
    The shock waves of this election have swept away the entire political system that has managed Italy for the past two decades. Dominated by populist parties, this is now being called the dawn of Italy's Third Republic.
  • The court in session
    In the final, clipped sentence of its ruling Jan. 25, the Constitutional Court cleared the way for national general elections to be held, even this spring, one year ahead of the formal end of the legislature. Those jubilant over the decision included Matteo Renzi, Beppe Grillo and Matteo Salvini.
  • Neapolitan presepe on display at Palazzo Quirinale
    “Il Presepe. Religiosità e Tradizione Popolare” is currently on display at the Palazzina Gregoriana del Quirinale in Rome as a celebration of both the holiday season and fine Italian artistry.
  • Sono oltre 340mila gli accessi per 91mila pazienti, di cui il 67% composto da persone immigrate, avvenuti presso l’INMP, ente pubblico del Sistema sanitario nazionale, dal 2008 ad oggi. Queste le cifre che descrivono l’attività dell’Istituto che da 8 anni si impegna, 7 giorni su 7, per la promozione della salute delle popolazioni migranti e per il contrasto delle malattie della povertà, attraverso pratiche sociosanitarie rivolte alle popolazioni più vulnerabili, italiane e straniere, e con il fondamentale approccio transculturale orientato alla persona.
  • In his first visit to the US as Italy’s President, Sergio Mattarella met with President Barack Obama, made an important appearance at the United Nations, visited the 9/11 memorial, the new Whitney Museum designed by Renzo Piano, the Columbia University, the City Hall of NYC and the Museum of Immigration in Ellis Island. And, above all, he embraced the Italian and Italian-American community at the Guggenheim Museum. “I am also a New Yorker” the Italian President told them in English, flanked by NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, Italian Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero, and the Consul General in New York Natalia Quintavalle: “New York is the anthology of the world, and Italians have made and continue to make a significant contribution to the America’s progress”. Recap of his visit
  • With a newly elected president, changes are being made to the visiting hours of the historic, 16th-century Palazzo del Quirinale. Soon the Presidential Palace will be open for daily visitors, far longer than it has been opened to the public in the past.
