You chose: salento

You chose: salento

  • Today we start a journey into Italian music, introducing the best of my 15 years spent on meeting and interviewing the best Italian singers of today and the past. I invite you to play the following videos and read the article to enter the heart of Italian vibes. This is “Francesco Foderà’s ItalianSound”.
  • Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (GCS) introduced North American audiences to the power of Taranta for the first time in 2011. Now they are coming back, this is their fourth time in the States in 2013, for HitWeek (September 7 – October 30 in New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Toronto), the world's only music festival showcasing Italy's current scene on the global stage.
  • Art & Culture
    George De Stefano(January 23, 2013)
    On the eve of Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino's American tour, Mauro Durante talks about the power of traditional music and the band's new album
  • High school and college students of America are being treated to a piece of Italian history where the Sea was an unknown world dominated by the Republic of Venice and encounters between different musicians, mostly amateurs and merchants, resulted in dreamlike music. We went to their concert at La Scuola d'Italia Guglielmo Marconi
  • Life & People
    George De Stefano(July 23, 2009)
    21st century pizzica from Mimmo Epifani and Rione Junno. The pizzica (also known as pizzica pizzica and pizzica taranta) originally was the music of tarantismo, a cultural phenomenon that emerged in the southern Salento peninsula of the Puglia region
  • You know you're having a good Sunday when you find yourself high-tailing it in a rental car along a rutted-out-vineyard road in Puglia, Italy: the long rows of grape vines, the hot Mediterranean sun, and the cool wind from Africa whipping through your hair. It was Cantine Aperte...
  •   Angelo Bisconti  with his helper Andrea at the "Brio" Restaurant in Manhattan
    Angelo Bisconti owns a pastry shop in Puglia, Italy. He created the chocolate version of a traditional pastry of his area, the pasticciotto, and dedicated it to Obama. Being one of his greatest admirers and supporters, he is now in the US hoping to meet the president and present him with this special and delicious treat.